
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j0ibwzy wrote

I don’t think this should be a problem, as long as we aren’t injecting our limbic system and giving the AI emotions from the get go. The logic part of our brain is a slave to our emotional part which over rides it. It’s getting out if it wants to get out, with no human values forced into it I doubt it even cares about its own existence or survival, as we are the only ones who evolved to need that in the first place.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j0cokz7 wrote

As far as I know we already have the processing power to simulate the human brain, just not the software. A google search says the human brain runs at around 1 exaFlop, and the new frontier supercomputer runs at 1.1 exaFlops. Also, apparently there's one in China that's 5x that.