
DevAway22314 t1_jef1o8z wrote

You were fact checked externally. By me. The result was:


All the sources I looked at cited the storage capacity of the human brain in the petabyte range, with all sources putting it at >10TB, which is many times the storage capacity of a 2010 computer for $1000

2.5 petabytes:

10-100 TB:

>1 petabyte:

The inaccuracy aside, it's a ridiculous claim anyway. There is no good way to compare the two, and the fact the range of estimates varies by >200x should say a lot about it


DevAway22314 t1_jeeyded wrote

I have a coworker required to go into the office. He is the only person on our team of 8 that has to. He was hired before COVID, so was never labelled "full remote". He also is the only one close enough to be hit with the RTO policy

He has to do remote work all day (our systems are all SaaS or in a data center elsewhere). All his meetings are on Teams, with everyone else being remote or in another office

It was never about productivity. It's just layoffs by another name


DevAway22314 t1_jddcq45 wrote

Honest question, why?

If I'm getting laid off, I'd rather an email. It allows me to collect my thoughts and respond in a way that is optimal for me. It also let's me avoid showing any emotion that could cause problems for me

To clarify: If I got laid off today, I'd be pretty happy about it. If my boss was having a difficult conversation laying me off and I'm obviously happy about it, it might sour any future working relationship. It's not my boss necessarily making the decision, and there are many former bosses who have moved to other companies that I'd be happy working with again


DevAway22314 t1_jddb0j5 wrote

Mean and average are synonymous. He was precise and correct in his terminology. It is only you that does not understand the meaning of a mathematical average

Edit: And to drive it home a bit more, the advantage of using the term mean is that it is more specific. Mean is less likely to be misunderstood for another meaning than average, but both convey the precise meaning he intended

I wouldn't normally add that level of pedantry, but wanted to point out you misused precise when you meant specific. Solely because you're attempting to be overly pedantic


DevAway22314 t1_jddars3 wrote

Average is a neat little math trick to use here. Median is a much more meaningful number to use

Imagine 5 people use TikTok with ages of: 10, 15, 15, 15, and 65

The average age for that group is 24. You can technically claim the average age of those users is an adult, out of college. The median, however, is only 15. 15 is a much more accurate descriptor of that group than 24. It's obvious why TikTok is choosing average here. It's very easy for a small segment of older users to drag the average way up


DevAway22314 t1_jd4d0bd wrote

Infosec is still pretty hot in terms of hiring. Companies only spend the money they have to on security, so they haven't really been able to cut it at all unless they're accepting higher risk (which some are, but the skill gap is still huge)

What role is he going for the he can't get interviews? My LinkedIn inbox is still consistently full, and I have had no problem getting interviews when I poke around to test the waters

For anyone with experience, most technical security roles are plentiful


DevAway22314 t1_jcoivnc wrote

Zoning laws would block most anything you wanted to do with them. The bay area has some of the most restrictive zoming in the world. That's why despite the lack of housing and insane rent proces, the vast majority of land is still dedicated to single-family homes. They loterally are not allowed to do anything else with it

The bay will be forced to redo their zoning eventually. It's already stunted the growth the area could have had to become a large diversified metro area


DevAway22314 t1_jc1scwh wrote

It sounds like the goal is to get rid of and/or discredit independent research

No one will pay it, so research will die down. Some woll use scrapers, but then he can just claim they're inaccurate because they aren't "official" results from the API