I’m sure they would make some kind of pair routine, where your routine is compared to other pair’s routines. It also really wouldn’t be that different from Floor Exercise, a competition that is in fact at the Olympics, and is basically a combination gymnastic display and dance routine.
DiabeticUnicorns t1_iwyt43z wrote
Reply to comment by NoesHowe2Spel in Chris Jericho: "I literally want to go in front of the IOC, the International Olympic Community, and pitch pro wrestling as an Olympic sport. Gymnastics, pairs gymnastics, figure skating, pairs figure skating, what is that? It's two people working together to put on the best performance possible." by SgtThund3r
I’m sure they would make some kind of pair routine, where your routine is compared to other pair’s routines. It also really wouldn’t be that different from Floor Exercise, a competition that is in fact at the Olympics, and is basically a combination gymnastic display and dance routine.