
DidDunMegasploded t1_j2brk1p wrote

Reply to Feel safe by Kazbob48

Good for you. Just don't lose common sense and stay safe, mkay? Maine may be a low-crime state but that doesn't mean we don't have our crazies. Even if they come in the form of "needing a car jumpstarted at 1am but really they're going to abduct you".

Common sense is a good virtue to have. Sadly, not a lot of people have it.

Oh yeah, and a belated welcome to Maine, too!


DidDunMegasploded t1_j21jxq5 wrote

There are so many accidents and pileups on the highway caused by idiots who want to get absolutely fucking nowhere fast (and certainly nowhere important). Usually by speeding and doing zoom-zooms in the snow. Snow tires and AWD tires be damned, there are signs that say "slow down in inclement weather" for a reason.

That being said...I see the idiots have come out to play for this r/Maine Top Thread of the Day. Consider that an accomplishment, OP, not a detriment.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j21jp5r wrote

Like where, hmm? Anywhere, oh, you know, important? Like the hospital? A nursing home? The police station?

If not, then perhaps you are the projectionist of the "vapid waste of human space" insult. There's no excuse to be ripping 30 over besides the reasons above.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2076rx wrote

Layers. Lots of layers. Especially if you're thin as a twig.

Baby steps on the ice, even if you have good boots. This is a rule of thumb that can help prevent slips, falls, and potential concussions.

When buying boots, waterproof them with waterproofing spray before using them. They should be sprayed and then sat outside for 24 hours.

For the love of God, buy a snowblower, if you are able to. Electric, not gas--less hassle and they run better. The EGO brand sells very good and durable snowblowers. If you can't get one this season, buy them near the tail-end of summer, earlier than that if possible. People snatch them up come fall and when they do you will be SOL.

Also, buy shovels. You should have one regular shovel (for yourself; buy more depending on how many people live with you, if any), a pusher shovel, and a sleigh shovel. Snowblower should be used if the snow exceeds 6 inches (4-5 if wet and heavy), but that's my general rule of thumb.

And finally...go sledding. Sledding is very fun on big steep hills. Even more fun with a friend!

Welcome to Maine, enjoy your first winter!


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1i636g wrote

Reply to comment by ThumperZero in Spectrum outage? by [deleted]

Oof, you must live on a hell of an unlucky Saco street lol. Glad I could help though! I'm not sure if there are any other fiber providers other than Fidium and GoNetSpeed, but if there are, I'd say check them out and see if your street gets lucky.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1hk28g wrote

Reply to comment by ThumperZero in Spectrum outage? by [deleted]

GoNetSpeed. We were looking at Fidium but found nothing positive on the Internet about it after some Googling and price comparisons, so we went with GoNetSpeed instead.

Great customer service, guy came within a couple weeks to set everything up. I, for one, regret us not getting fiber sooner. Much faster speeds than Spectrum for a much better price.

I'd suggest calling Spectrum and see what they can do about your Internet being out. They also have an outage thing on their website, I think, where you can report an outage. Do you have power or is that gone along with the Internet?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1gt09c wrote

Reply to comment by ThumperZero in Spectrum outage? by [deleted]

My final straw with Spectrum broke when the Internet blew out in the house and they refused to fix it despite other people on the street having the same issue.

If you have fiber in your area, get it and get it now. We've only had one single outage since we got it and it was only for a few minutes. Pure bliss.