
DidDunMegasploded t1_j4dp06q wrote

If you don't have GoNetSpeed service where you live and don't have it by the time Fidium gets around to you, Fidium is the next best thing. Good rates, though we went with GNS because we couldn't find anything positive said about Fidium from Google searches.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j3png7w wrote

Ah. So she's probably your rep payee then, I'll assume.

Unfortunately I'd side with the others here and suggest that you find another line of work, maybe keep filmmaking, scriptwriting, and selling art as side jobs/hobbies. I've been looking for WFH jobs on Indeed for a while, so you could start there if you don't want to stand on your feet all day. There's also the Maine CareerCenter that has lots of helpful resources.

If your mother is receiving your checks and is putting every cent of it towards rent, then it wouldn't hurt for you to take on another job or two if you're able to, so you can have income for yourself if you're buying your own necessities or would just like a cushion to fall back on if needed.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j3o687l wrote

> I know I have it better than so many others

Hey now, that's the able-bodied people's line. Don't steal their line, it's trademarked!

> disability stigma

That's an everywhere issue. Not Maine-exclusive.

> horrid Voc Rehab experiences

Oh God yes. I got paired up with a woman who, while her advice was helpful, berated me and even made me cry at one point. She was like a strict teacher. Hated her so much.

Also, people are retiring at an extremely fast rate and VR can't keep up, so they're struggling.

> MaineCare is basically the only health care coverage people will take, even with Medicare coverage

For doctors, yes. For dentists, hell to the fucking no. MaineCare doesn't even pay them, so only a small handful of them offer it. If you want a dentist that takes MaineCare then you might have to travel.

It sucks because the government offered a solution to paying for dental costs, it's good and solid...but no one can put it into practice. It's unfortunate.

MaineCare in general just needs an entire overhaul. Way too many more cons than pros.

I'm confused as to how you don't make a cent from your job, though. What do you do? Do you receive SSI or SSDI that can put a damper on how many hours you can work and how much you can earn?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j35rz9t wrote

Using your headlights at the last possible second is not a plus no matter what kind of car you drive. It's a negative. It's sheer stupidity. You might as well sign a death warrant and put out a last will and testament every time you sit in your car and go driving.

(Yes, I'm aware of the sarcasm, but it needs to be said anyway. A lot of stupid people about.)


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2kl1qr wrote

I've been using Tracfone for decades. They used to use all four carriers' towers but were bought by Verizon recently.

No stinkin' complicated contracts, though! I only pay $45 every few months.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2dy6ux wrote

Reply to comment by 010kindsofpeople in Feel safe by Kazbob48

I was raised in NJ for 3 years, been in Maine for over 20. I have family that works in law. It was just common sense to keep our doors locked at all times. Can't really trust anyone around here, especially nowadays.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2dxpej wrote

God damn it, did they see my dad stocking up on soda at MB that one time? Guys, he only got 11 bottles, and no, he did not drink them all in one night. Yes, he got weird looks and comments. No, he did not care.