DidDunMegasploded t1_j6qoq4u wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Cold weather reminders: water will freeze when left outside and the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit by pig_penis
For all the OOSers who have yet to experience the true power of Maine cold but live here or are visiting here.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6ost58 wrote
Reply to comment by Moonstonedbowie in Tracker: Have you gotten your $450 check yet? by [deleted]
"Your eligibility is being verified" is the new "CMP is assessing the power outage on your street", I'm afraid.
Mine's still verifying too and I expect it to remain that way for months. Setting my bar reeeeeeal damn low.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6osgsw wrote
Reply to comment by RelationshipBig2798 in Cold weather things. (please add). by the_wookie_of_maine
Citation needed.
What's so wrong with passing along good advice to people? Not everyone has been here for 20+ years.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6n7zh8 wrote
Reply to comment by Way2L8AND1 in Stay warm this weekend by rocksandlsd
Well, at least you'll be well-prepared. There's a plus!
Maybe I shouldn't bring up that the procedure's gonna take less than an hou- awwwwww poop.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6n7qkn wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Stay warm this weekend by rocksandlsd
Look, I didn't know I needed a filling until my dentist sprang the news on me two weeks ago. So if you're gonna blame someone else...blame her!
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6n7ghf wrote
Reply to Winter advice and tips for new folks. by [deleted]
And if you're as thin as a twig, then God-fucking-speed to you.
Not that I advocate for trying to gain 100+ pounds before the cold snap hits, but the thinner you are, the more layers you're gonna need.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6lmbcg wrote
Reply to Stay warm this weekend by rocksandlsd
Guys, I'm really sorry, let me explain...see, I'm getting a cavity filled in a couple days and the winter weather often gets skewed so that it snows or it gets super chilly around the time that I have to go out, because the world hates me that much and it wants to drag everyone down with it.
My deepest apologies if any of your pipes burst during this cold weather. I just really need this cavity filled and I haven't had time to send an appeal to Mother Nature yet.
(and just in case it wasn't obvious, /j)
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6jb88o wrote
It's really an issue on both sides.
You have the shitty landlords, the bad apples of the barrel, who jack up rents and only care about getting as much money as they can at the cost of their tenants' living conditions, health, and well-being.
And you have the shitty tenants, also bad apples of their own barrel, who violate leases and are generally just assholes when it comes to dealing with landlords.
So I'm not really surprised at this statistic.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6jai18 wrote
Same applies to doctors and dentists as well. It's definitely not exclusive to therapists.
Have you tried looking on websites like Psychology Today, by chance?
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6g9vih wrote
Reply to how cold is your house? by bdana666
65 in the evenings and about 70-74 during the day (depends on the day, of course).
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6g9ifk wrote
Reply to VIP with that quick math by k1ckstand
Yeah, so, uh, PSA: VIP can and will rip you off by any and all means necessary. It's a fool's errand to go there vs. an independent trustworthy mechanic.
They also ripped off my mother. Tried to charge her for additional repairs on parts that were in perfect working condition. Needless to say, she never went there again after that.
EDIT: And that was two decades ago, BTW. They haven't changed. They never will change.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6e4bw2 wrote
As someone who had a friend who required trips to Boston for her own disabilities and illnesses...the more southern in the state you go, the better.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6bx60k wrote
Reply to comment by Runnah5555 in Fire on Water Street by Xxed
Caribou, Maaaaine!
DidDunMegasploded t1_j690d7o wrote
Reply to comment by BadLuckShoesie in You can check the status of your energy relief payment - Link in comments by NotYou007
Like CMP's "Assessing", but with money at stake this time instead of electricity! Oh boy gee golly howdy, man I can't wait for weeks and weeks and weeks of the same message...
DidDunMegasploded t1_j65stn6 wrote
Reply to Maine Side Hustle by [deleted]
People pay me if they are able to survive having a conversation with me. It doesn't pay much, but it's a good testament to people's tolerance and acceptance.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j65seos wrote
Reply to comment by KermitThrush in This is like 100 other posts so I will erase this post eventually but I just wanna complain about the weather by KermitThrush
That's not an acceptable answer.
PSAs do a better job of explaining what people can do about global warming than you. And one of 'em had a girl about to be hit by a train!
DidDunMegasploded t1_j635ilx wrote
Reply to Hopelessly shoveling extremely heavy and wet snow out of my driveway out at six in the morning when a front loader operator driving by feels like saving my life. Absolute hero. by West_Ad_8279
Bless the inventor of plows.
But also, bless the inventor of snowblowers.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j622hlz wrote
> Drinkwater
> filled with spunk
Now how could you mess this up?
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5vy031 wrote
Reply to Anyone else having issues with their mail not being delivered in the Augusta area? by nickscion46
It's a problem in other cities as well, not just Augusta. A lot of Maine post offices are short-staffed and have generally been suffering over the past several months.
The best thing you can do is use USPS's Informed Delivery service. It'll tell you what mail is coming on each day. The only problem is that sometimes we'll see what mail is coming and it'll come a day or two later, but a lot of it is junk and shit. Still, it's a good tool to keep tabs on your mail. Easy to sign up, too.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5vx7fm wrote
Reply to comment by ZingZongZaddy in MaineHousing releases 2023 housing outlook report by InterstellarDeathPur
"Affordable" is starting to become a subjective term as the days go by. Now you can't read an article about affordable housing without asking "okay but how affordable?"
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5pcj2i wrote
Reply to comment by Ambitious_Ask_1569 in Powers out, generators broken, CMP is still assessing and I can’t have my coffee. How many are in same position. by dadoftwins04
Nature's hella fucked up right now. Dump all the storms for the season on us in January, fuck around with nothing later.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5obkdr wrote
Reply to Powers out, generators broken, CMP is still assessing and I can’t have my coffee. How many are in same position. by dadoftwins04
"Assessing" as in "we have worse site update times than any online store in existence".
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5m26jg wrote
Reply to comment by z-eldapin in Biddeford City boxed in my car approximately 1.5 Hours After parking ban was lifted. by NoHate_95347
It's Biddo. I'm not really surprised.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j5kxlu2 wrote
Reply to comment by tunicsandleggimgs15 in In Maine, four theaters are known to offer open captions (on-screen subtitles). by tunicsandleggimgs15
Unfortunately no. I'm in Southern Maine.
Sucks too because streaming doesn't have the same oomph vs. having your eardrums wonderfully filled with noise in the theater.
DidDunMegasploded t1_j6sa2ct wrote
Reply to comment by AssumptionLivid6879 in Warming Center info- Lincoln by JayhawkInMaine
How do they even check to see if you're a resident? Are they scanning ID's and driver's licenses at the door or something? And if so, what if you don't have either one? Do you get given a "fuck you lawl bye bitch" and cruelly turned away?