
DidDunMegasploded t1_j97ql7f wrote

I had a high school friend who lived in OOB with his dad in a tiny apartment. Just from looking at the outside, I had to wonder 1) how that fit the both of them and 2) how they survived the cold of winters as well as crowded summers.

Myself, I've gone to OOB quite a bit. They had a bonfire event that was pretty neat, and so were the fireworks, but it wasn't eye-popping or anything. And going during the day was absolute hell, at least 5-10 years ago.

I'd much rather go to Ferry Beach down the road. Much calmer. The food is probably the best thing about OOB.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j97p5yq wrote

Good job showing your ableism. You couldn't find any other adjective to use other than a slur? Specifically wanting a female DJ is dumb? Stupid? Idiotic?

FWIW, it helps me weed out people who are ableist and don't have a good grasp on the English language.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8x9su7 wrote

> appreciate your horror stories of who to stay away from

Well, VIP is one of them. They are absolutely notorious for scamming people out of money for bullshit repairs. My mother was a near-victim who didn't fall for any of it, and that was two decades ago. Many a story has been shared on this subreddit of people who got fucked over or nearly got fucked over by VIP.

You are far better off going to an independent mechanic, not a chain.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8sapxd wrote

ASSumptions make an ASS out of you. They do not, however, make an ASS out of me because I'm not the one assuming weird shit and getting defensive over what I say. You can't really assume something that's the truth.

It is 56 degrees outside. Go touch grass instead of being so protective over what you say on the Internet and continuing to butt heads with me. Breathe in the fresh air. Take it aaaaaaall in.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8ruz16 wrote

Didn't seem like you understood that your opinion isn't fact at first. That's why I pointed it out to you.

You're the one that posted a stupid comment about the story. We're under no obligation to answer, but we both did anyway, just in different areas. I, at least, have learned that you can't really argue with stupid, but you can call it out.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8r8gx9 wrote

Jumping the gun and accusing Walker of being condescending on the sole basis that you two aren't talking in-person.

For someone who doesn't want to talk about this and wants to talk about what the post is actually about...you seem to be exercising the opposite of that pretty damn hard.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8r08m7 wrote

I was actually planning to respond with my own opinion before I read the entire conversation and decided to respond to the further stupidity presented instead.

Just because I respond to someone's comment calling out their stupidity doesn't mean I need to state my opinion on the issue the post is talking about. It's possible and it's allowed to do both.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8plmbk wrote

I'm not any under obligation to, but sure, I'll respond to yours.

Like WalkerBRiley said, no one's demanding we freak out--the article literally states that if the impacts did hit here then it would be low-hazard. At best, however, we should be concerned. This is a serious event with very serious consequences and anyone who isn't at the very least concerned about it...well, I worry for 'em.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8p8f0n wrote

It's either the Ohio train derailment or the Chinese spy balloons and whatever the fuck other flying objects they've been shooting down like it's IRL Duck Hunt.

I don't think I need to explain which news story takes priority and I don't think I need to explain why it takes priority.