
DidDunMegasploded t1_ja343mn wrote

Only if you stop harping on an innocuous comment that doesn't even affect you or your life in any conceivably reasonable way. You're not even OP. You didn't even post this image. And yet your defense of it is some very well-needed comedy for the rest of my weekend, so thank you for that.

> When I someone tells you to get over yourself, you start questioning how long they've been in a subreddit.

Also this absolutely reeks of strawmen. You have the hands of a fucking god to be making all these strawmen. I'm jealous! I should get a money jar where every $1 is produced from every strawman you spit out.

> You've read a lot of psychology online and you're ready to diagnose me but you're assuming a lot of things to do so.

Like how you're assuming I read a lot of psychology online? Lol okay then.

You are so desperate to be in the right and me in the wrong that...I can't finish that with a straight face. I really can't.


DidDunMegasploded t1_ja2qqjy wrote

I see we're leaping to conclusions before the seed of an argument was even planted.

You could have easily scrolled past my comment and yet you chose to respond anyway, with with passionate fury that I have to wonder if you're projecting and you spent a lonely Saturday typing up this word vomit. That's on you for not having self-control, BTW, not on me for pointing out a frequent annoyance in this subreddit.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9xtiof wrote

You're right, but you forget that putting qualifiers like "transgender" or "man/woman with autism" or "man/woman with schizophrenia" are clicking phrases/words that draw in viewers. That's why "transgender" is in the title.

Classic rookie media move.

EDIT: Fuck, it's 5 in the morning and I just peeped who posted this. Yeah, no surprise here.

My point still stands, though, because it's more than Fuck Nose that does this.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9tdtsh wrote

Well it's about fucking time. Now we have to see if it'll actually be enforced this time around.

> Past proposals to outlaw driving with snow- or ice-covered vehicles have failed in recent years, largely because of [...] ambiguous language that police said would make it difficult to enforce.

I'm curious as to what that "ambiguous language" was, though. Is this just cops saying "nah, I don't wanna" or is there more to this? I don't think it would be hard to pull people over in cars and then fine them appropriately because you noticed they had huge chunks of snow and ice on their roof. Maybe it has something to do with disabled people not being able to clean their cars and police fining them for something out of their control? I dunno.

Either way...two words: snow rake. Best investment you could possibly make as a Mainer. Good for short fat people like me, good for tall folks like...well, like a lot of ya. It's better than using a regular snow shovel or your own bare hands, lol.

Two more words: time management. Learn it, use it. Haul your butt outside early to clear snow off your car before you go to work instead of running late and then leaving snow and ice on your car for other people to deal with. It's really not hard to do for most people, especially if you have a snow rake as I mentioned above.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9q2ab5 wrote

Let me take it one step further: they shouldn't be driving at all.

Seriously. Even my grandfather gave up driving when he hit his late 60s, and over the years, he became afflicted by memory loss until he was almost a vegetable by the time I visited him in the nursing home in what would be the final time I ever saw him.

If these women come out of this alive, I will be utterly floored. But elderly people who are disoriented and don't have a good sense of direction should not be on the roads.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9pzf4m wrote

You still have to had filed your 2021 tax return regardless. Just having SSI or SSDI is not an automatic qualifier for you to receive the check.

You can mark down 0 as your annual income on the 1040 form and still receive a check, though it might take a long while. That's what my neighbor did and she still hasn't received her check.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9m8jvf wrote

Former Saco resident here, lived there for 6 years. Our power rarely went out and when it did go out it certainly wasn't for days at a time. I think you'll be fine.

And sorry for the bad attitude of the people here...the storm's getting to them. 6+ inches or so of frozen cloud pee can do that to a person. That, and...y'know, it's Reddit.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9m8azm wrote

I'm glad to have neighbors that help us plow and shovel snow in our driveway from storms that we inadvertently create by way of needing to go to an appointment or needing to travel and talking about it openly.

Your neighbor's a good guy.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9dywk5 wrote

Reply to comment by PantyPixie in New tourist trap by ButIDigress79

The pole (not the one in OP) looks to be smack-dab in between the vision center and the Home & Pharmacy entrance, but I guess it all depends on the camera angle.

Or maybe there are two poles being hit and the H&P one gets more attention. And both of them have barriers up.

I can't say for sure unless I see it with my own eyes.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9csb88 wrote

You're so defensive about asserting you're not an ableist that you resorted to the old "send an automated Reddit message telling your opponent to get help" tactic. Which tells me you're fighting a losing battle and the losing part is on your end.

Whether you like it or not, the R slur has an accepted meaning within society, and that meaning just so happens to be a derogatory one as it pertains to the disabled--just as the word "ableist" has an accepted meaning within society that just so happens to mean "derogatory towards the disabled". Suck it up.

Take it or leave it. Either way, you've already lost the argument so I see no reason to continue further. Have fun with your deluded beliefs.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9bfgmp wrote

Honestly, good for her.

Both the fact that her mother drove her to see the famous pole, and for the fact that she and her mother somehow didn't get plowed over.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9bf2xe wrote

Reply to comment by amb8936 in New tourist trap by ButIDigress79

...There's a general entrance of a Walmart? Since when? AFAIK it's just been 2-3 doors--Grocery and Pharmacy, and Home and Garden/Living (and/or Lawn and Garden), depending on location. There was a general entrance 2 decades ago before the franchise's stores as a whole rebranded, but that's gone away now.

This pole has the lights and the barriers, plus the solar panel. I don't think it's the wrong one.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9bc3ue wrote

Ohhh, so you're one of those idiots. The "slurs don't exist because they're just words that don't have meaning if you don't let them have meaning" breed of idiot. The username checks out, at least.

Yep, I've played this song and dance before with someone else entirely who was also ableist, and I'm gonna tell you once again...whether you like it or not, you are ableist, and that is the truth that you can either take or leave as you so choose.

The R slur is used as an insult. It's never, and I repeat, never used in a positive light. You can't really take a word that has been coined to mean "slow" and has been linguistically shaped by society to become a term referred to a legitimate disorder and then an insult and just wipe it free so it has a clean slate, where it can mean whatever you want it to mean. Not how that works.

Same applies to all slurs, not just those that are derogatory towards autistic people. Words have meaning, and the meaning changes all the time, but in terms of slurs, there is no giving them clean slates to make their meanings positive.

Consider this the only explanation that I give you. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves, and I'm not willing to deal with stubborn ableists any more in-depth today.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j9a8u35 wrote

Yes you are an ableist, whether you are autistic and have the medical papers to prove it or don't and are just lying on the Internet. You can insinuate you aren't an ableist all you want, but all you're doing is making yourself out to be a complete idiot. It's a lose-lose situation.

There are a million words in the English dictionary to use and yet you go right for the word that has been turned into a hateful slur without even considering any other words. Says quite a lot about you without anyone even needing to engage with you--mainly that you are an ableist asshole that people should stay far the fuck away from.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j99vbb6 wrote

> I have autism

Lmfao. Sure, and I'm the Pope.

I'm not being a keyboard warrior at all. "Retarded" is a slur whether you like it or not, and if you use it then you're not just ableist, but you are absolutely piss-poor at using the English language. That's not even my own personal opinion--that's just pure straight facts. There are a shit-ton of better adjectives to use.

All you're doing is making yourself out to be an ableist who has a 50/50 chance of playing the autism card for empathy points.