Diet_Coke t1_isfqshp wrote
Reply to comment by eziam in The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
Pow-hite is the right way, it's like if someone says Nor-folk instead of Nor-fuk or the even more legit Naw-fuk
Diet_Coke t1_isbq3mc wrote
Reply to comment by JulianVanderbilt in Pops poker freeroll by SKINS_IV
Hey, at least you're consistent! In general I'm against criminalizing drugs (or gambling) but also against deliberately exploitative business models that vacuum up money from a community and concentrate it in the hands of a few people who don't live there. Things like casinos, crack houses, payday loans, megachurches, just don't have a place in a well-functioning society.
Diet_Coke t1_isb8cj7 wrote
Reply to comment by burdell69 in Pops poker freeroll by SKINS_IV
The vast majority of a casino's revenue, somewhere between 80 and 90%, comes from slot machines that are designed from the ground up to abuse human psychology and create addiction.
We could legalize crack and put a taxable crack house in every neighborhood too. The business model is the same, go in with money and hope you leave with money - and yet, I don't see a lot of crack house advocates.
Diet_Coke t1_irx2w2u wrote
Reply to comment by TomJoadsLich in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
Sorry but you're missing the point. Yes, dogs have been bred to serve different purposes and that this impacts the dogs themselves as far as their personality and abilities. However, discrimination against specific breeds is a stand-in for discrimination against the people who own them. Again, I would just point right back to that dog whistle.
However, there is a point that can be made here on genetics which is that even for a professional, visually identifying a dog's breed can be very difficult. My dog is half corgi and half mini poodle but regularly is misidentified a cairn terrier. If she were to bite someone and it was reported, it's pretty reasonable to expect that there'd be a report about a cairn terrier biting someone - even though she's not one.
There are also indications that a dog's breed only accounts for a very small amount of its behavior (source): "In particular, the researchers found that aggressiveness — how easily a dog is provoked by things that are frightening or uncomfortable — is almost completely uninformed by breed."
It is easy to draw similarities between discrimination against breeds of dog that is built on a foundation of bias and ignorance, and discrimination against people that is built on a foundation of bias and ignorance.
Diet_Coke t1_irwvm98 wrote
Reply to comment by TomJoadsLich in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
No, you'd have to be pretty braindead to get that message from my post. I am saying that breed discrimination is a stand in for racism, and the two share many traits. You can see from the post that I am replying to, the way OC classifies all pitbull owners as "low class" which is not even a dogwhistle, they're saying the quiet part out loud.
Diet_Coke t1_irwnmbb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
You're the mad one, and stupid to boot. Wow, what a surprise - too traits that correlate strongly with racism.
Diet_Coke t1_irwn297 wrote
Reply to comment by bigdaddyman6969 in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
>That’s hard to say, because according to a new study, “unknown” tops the list.
Shut the fuck up.
Diet_Coke t1_irwjrru wrote
Reply to comment by bigdaddyman6969 in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
>Sadly the statistics are there and very clear.
Doesn't seem to square with:
>The CDC hasn't collected data on dog breeds wrt dog bites because it's essentially impossible to get accurate information.
>The CDC strongly recommends against breed-specific laws in its oft-cited study of fatal dog attacks, noting that data collection related to bites by breed is fraught with potential sources of error (Sacks et al., 2000). Specifically, the authors of this and other studies cite the inherent difficulties in breed identification (especially among mixed-breed dogs) and in calculating a breed’s bite rate given the lack of consistent data on breed population and the actual number of bites occurring in a community, especially when the injury is not deemed serious enough to require treatment in an emergency room (Sacks et al., 2000; AVMA, 2001; Collier, 2006). Supporting the concern regarding identification, a recent study noted a significant discrepancy between visual determination of breed and DNA determination of breed (Voith et al., 2009).
>Hope things get better for you.
Don't project your miserable existence onto me.
Diet_Coke t1_irwdy8g wrote
Reply to comment by bigdaddyman6969 in Lost Dog! Union hill area. She’s nervous but friendly and responds to the name Nola. If you see her/find her, try and grab her or call into animal control. by Imadouchebro
lol this reply shows exactly what you're about, which is racism but with the thin veneer of directing it at pitbulls instead of their "low class" owners. Just like racists you probably have all kinds of flawed statistics to lean on, and just like with racists they're easily dispelled with about 3 minutes of research.
The CDC hasn't collected data on dog breeds wrt dog bites because it's essentially impossible to get accurate information.
Diet_Coke t1_ira606g wrote
Reply to comment by tastysnake667 in Who lives here: the people who inhabit Richmond’s new apartments by ThatChildNextDoor
It took 11 years but finally someone gets the reference
Diet_Coke t1_ir7wrs8 wrote
Reply to comment by deenda in Who lives here: the people who inhabit Richmond’s new apartments by ThatChildNextDoor
Readily available crack is an important amenity, they should drop it more
Diet_Coke t1_ir6xrmh wrote
Reply to comment by Equivalent_Wing_6450 in Who lives here: the people who inhabit Richmond’s new apartments by ThatChildNextDoor
You just can't find good service these days
Diet_Coke t1_ir6wpxu wrote
Reply to comment by batkave in Who lives here: the people who inhabit Richmond’s new apartments by ThatChildNextDoor
Yeah but your house is in Midlothian.
I walked by a house on Ellwood Ave the other day, it's lime green and there was a note on the door that says 'THE CRACKHOUSE HAS MOVED' - was curious, so I texted the number on the for-sale sign. $415k.
Diet_Coke t1_iqrjief wrote
Reply to comment by eyes_wide_open19 in No, Chef! Richmond may have an acclaimed dining scene, but it suffers the same toxic workplace issues as the big cities. by eyes_wide_open19
We have to raise the floor on bad behavior, legally. That means ending bad practices like week-to-week scheduling, clopens, wage theft, sexual harrassment, and retaliatory firings / hour reductions. The tipping system also encourages a lot of bad behavior by making servers dependant on customer good will. Until that happens, it will always be cheaper and offer better margins to run a restaurant like an asshole. That also means we as consumers need to understand that on some level the dining out experience has been subsidized by allowing poor behavior.
Diet_Coke t1_isjt71w wrote
Reply to Moved to Florida and want to come back by heartrva
Lived in Richmond my whole life but mod r/FloridaMan so I feel like I know a lot about the state, and I have family there. You couldn't pay me to live in Florida. The state is one giant shell game where some people deny to themselves global warming is going to make it an unlivable monument to man's hubris, some people know it's coming and are trying to get out at the last minute, and some people know it's coming and are getting out now - plus the old people who don't care because they won't be here to see it. Also the insurance market is collapsing with no signs of it getting better under De Santis or Crist, so it's only going to get less and less affordable to live there.
Additionally the culture is extremely superficial and Florida ranks 41 / 51 for education spending per student - for context, DC is 4, MD is 9, VA is 21.