Diet_Coke t1_iuia61m wrote
Reply to comment by Gamegis in Woman dead, 7 people sent to hospital after chain-reaction crash on I-95 by deathbeforeupvote
In this case, the person who was killed was on the shoulder when they were struck by a car that was struck by a car and killed. If they were in their car I'd bet they'd still be alive. Yeah it would definitely fuck you up to get hit at 60 mph but your car has weight of its own, crumple zones, air bags, and a seat belt. If you get hit as just yourself, a bag of meat, it isn't going to work out as well.
Diet_Coke t1_iui5jil wrote
Reply to comment by Gamegis in Woman dead, 7 people sent to hospital after chain-reaction crash on I-95 by deathbeforeupvote
The second you unbuckle, you're taking a chance with all the insane drivers. A car moving at 70 or 80 MPH is going to come up on you FAST and if you think they won't see your car and will hit it, why would you think they will see you outside of your car?
If you're already close to the shoulder, it's less of a risk but that risk is still present. If you're in the left lane and your car won't move, put on the flashers and call 911 and stay buckled up.
Diet_Coke t1_iuhy4yr wrote
Reply to comment by Ditovontease in Woman dead, 7 people sent to hospital after chain-reaction crash on I-95 by deathbeforeupvote
Be super duper careful if you get out of the car. Don't do it if you see headlights in the rear view mirror at all. Cars are at least designed to be hit, so if you're buckled up in the car and get hit you still have a chance of getting through with no major injuries. If you're outside of your car and get hit at highway speeds, well, the odds are not good.
From the link:
>Don’t become a pedestrian fatality on the highway. Be patient while waiting for help.
If you must leave your car, keep away from traffic and walk on the right side of the road.
Crossing a highway or trying to stop traffic is dangerous, especially at night or when visibility is low.
Diet_Coke t1_iu5fbmx wrote
I had to leave the house to go from Museum District to Lewis Ginter yesterday at 5 PM and was shocked how stupid people are. It's like it's everyone's first time driving up Thompson and the turn only lanes are a shock. Merging onto the interstate? Let's do that at 40 mph, that's a good idea.
Diet_Coke t1_iu5498u wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Fridaily by donteatmydog
10/12, 452. A couple lucky guesses though.
Diet_Coke t1_itw0hvh wrote
Reply to comment by Grizlatron in Hope everyone is having a better Wednesdaily than the former police chief. What Halloween plans do you have? by big-heck-nah
I'm going to get some full-size candy bars and do it. Worst case scenario, someone complains and I have a bunch of full-size candy bars.
Diet_Coke t1_itusi4o wrote
Reply to Hope everyone is having a better Wednesdaily than the former police chief. What Halloween plans do you have? by big-heck-nah
Probably going to walk down Hanover with my girlfriend and then over to Monroe Park for the parade. I wanted to give out candy to the children on the way but she says it would be weird, I'm like that's the one day of the year it's socially acceptable. I've never lived somewhere where I could hand out candy, usually get like one or two mistaken trick or treaters a year because I don't think about it and leave my lamp on.
Diet_Coke t1_itrr4hy wrote
Reply to comment by donteatmydog in Hanover Ave block party? by tfozombie
I am 99% sure it's Hanover east of Lombardy
Diet_Coke t1_itqgr60 wrote
Reply to Hanover Ave block party? by tfozombie
Hanover Ave is lots of kids, I would say to check out the Halloween parade that starts in Monroe Park instead if you don't have any ankle biters of your own
Diet_Coke t1_itmspnf wrote
Reply to comment by Lokky in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
>Fun fact is that in America, low pay leads to low respect.
This is so true - how many times have we all heard this scene from the Notorious BIG movie repeated?
Diet_Coke t1_itmj2h5 wrote
Reply to comment by ill-disposed in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
Is there a reason they couldn't do remote school under the umbrella of public schools?
Diet_Coke t1_itmg2i6 wrote
Reply to comment by Detlionsfan1188 in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
There's no reason those days can't return, we would just have to make it happen. A ton of places are hiring, and a lot of it is knock-on effects from Covid. Over a million people died, that's going to leave a hole in the economy. Other people decided to go back to school and get better jobs (which was always what they were told to do when they complained about working conditions, so can we fault them?) and others realized that the expenses of child or elderly care made working just not make sense. A lot of people have left the job hunt, and not necessarily just because they're lazy.
The future you envision with automatons is not unrealistic. It's basically what happened with computers, and why productivity and wages decoupled in the 80s. What's the solution? Stronger civics and unions. Why, for example, should bringing on an automaton electrician make everyone else on the job site unemployed? The same number of people could be kept on and, with robotic assistance, earn more for the same amount of work or earn the same for less work. One single employee would never be able to negotiate that, but with everyone's power combined then it is possible.
Diet_Coke t1_itmcdd9 wrote
Reply to comment by Detlionsfan1188 in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
Wages go up → cost of living goes up → wages go up more ... as long as it stays in balance, that's not a bad cycle! Look around, every single thing has gotten more expensive since 1979, and there are additional expenses like internet bills that didn't even exist back then. Once upon a time, one person working even a modest job like milkman could support a whole family with a car and a nice house in the suburbs. That's just not possible today. Where'd all that extra money go? Straight to the very top of the economic totem pole.
Diet_Coke t1_itmaaug wrote
Reply to comment by ill-disposed in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
I know it's controversial, but I think ultimately it would benefit society greatly. What kind of needs are unable to be met by public schools to the point that only private or homeschooling is an option?
Thought experiment - If (Dominion Energy CEO) Tom Farrell's kids went to Martin Luther King Middle, what kind of investments and improvements do you think would be made there?
Diet_Coke t1_itm7yb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Detlionsfan1188 in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
I guess it all depends on your perspective and the people who cross your path. Laziness wasn't invented in 1985, I assure you there are plenty of older lazy people too. On the other side of the coin, plenty of young people take part in hustle culture.
Boomers failed us by letting productivity (total society-wide income produced by an hour of work) decouple from wages (value to an employee of an hour of work) in the 80s. Since 1979 productivity has gone up 62.5% while wages have only gone up 15.9%. That some people might not see the value of working when their work is consistently devalued is not very surprising.
Diet_Coke t1_itm686z wrote
Reply to comment by Detlionsfan1188 in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
>I just don’t know what you do to correct losing and failing an entire generation.
It's tough, because Boomers are already pretty old so there's not much you can do to turn it around for them. Unfortunately it just seems like the combo of lead paint and a lifetime of anti-communist propaganda have made them beyond saving. Additionally 'the Me generation' was raised to think only of themselves and are also unable to relinquish power so the Gen Xs, Millenials, and Gen Zs can get to work fixing things before we all die on a planet that's incapable of sustaining life.
Diet_Coke t1_itlvu67 wrote
Reply to comment by Few-Ability-7312 in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
I think we need a complete overhaul of the education system, to start with we need to recognize teachers are Masters-level professionals and treat and pay them accordingly. I've heard stories of teachers having to take continuing education classes where they received such amazing lessons as 'students who are interested in the material will want to learn it more'. We need to decide what the purpose of school is - job training, citizenship training, or daycare - and then design the system to support that goal. We also need to recognize as citizens that a lot of factors go into a student's success beyond just the teacher and school. If we aren't building up and supporting our neighborhoods then nothing we do in the schools is going to turn them around.
This one's a bit more out of left field, but hey you asked, and if I was schools dictator then I'd end private schools and homeschooling too. Everyone goes to public schools. Everyone has skin in the game to make them good. Right now the most wealthy and politically-empowered Richmonders tend to send their children to private schools. Not only are they not incentivized to make Richmond schools better, it's easy from that perspective to see taxes going towards education as being a pure loss and advocate for reduced education spending.
Diet_Coke t1_itltpjw wrote
Reply to comment by JustDyslexic in Unsatisfied Richmond-area teachers leaving in droves by CrassostreaVirginica
I agree with you, privatizing public services doesn't tend to improve those services but it does make a few people a whole hell of a lot of money.
Diet_Coke t1_itlp9h1 wrote
Makes total sense to me, it's an absolute shame the way we as a society treat teachers and especially over the last few years but even prior to that. Now that teachers are leaving en masse, we'll have a couple years of crisis and then for-profit charter schools will come in to "save the day", thus completing the long project of privatizing one of the largest and most important public institutions.
Diet_Coke t1_itli9s0 wrote
Reply to Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
Today is going to be fantastic fucking day. My worst neighbors are moving.
This place was a meth den that got more active within the last 6 months or so and was drawing all kinds of sketchy characters to the block. There's always been barking dogs, junkie fights, uncollectable waste like couches and carpets showing up at the garbage cans and then mouldering for months, and for the last couple weeks a generator running almost non-stop. I've thought they were moving a couple times so I've learned not to get my hopes up, but right now there's a couple junk hauler guys with a full pickup truck and trailer just removing all the bullshit from the house. I think it's really happening.
Diet_Coke t1_it49kos wrote
Reply to comment by AHippieDude in Grace between Harrison and Belvidere by AHippieDude
In his mouth*
Diet_Coke t1_it49g7f wrote
Reply to Grace between Harrison and Belvidere by AHippieDude
Now it's NOVA
Diet_Coke t1_isxvzgr wrote
Reply to comment by dr_nerdface in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
Really seems to depend on the context. Sometimes people are like "oh yeah, tell them there's a mass shooting plot and they might get around to it" and other times they're like "call the cops on your annoying neighbors, that's what police are for 👍"
Diet_Coke t1_isxg408 wrote
Reply to comment by ToadFlax0 in That pirate ship houseboat is now available to rent out! by coconut_sorbet
If'n ye don't throw out the trash and remove the linens, ye walk the plank 🏴☠️
Diet_Coke t1_iujdk41 wrote
Reply to Exceeding expectations - Virginia Business by ThatChildNextDoor
>The Richmond region continues to be a popular destination for the manufacturing and distribution sectors, as well as tech and pharmaceutical businesses. Much of that is due to its location near major highways, airports, railways and the Port of Virginia’s terminals in Richmond and Hampton Roads, Wakefield says.
I have to notice that what's on the list, attracting companies to Richmond, are all the innate benefits of the location - and not sweetheart tax refund deals.