
Diet_Coke t1_j0ha3vc wrote

Reply to comment by ImmobilizedbyCheese in RIP FOO DOG by lalasmores

I like that place, the Ramen is solid

e: It's not ramen tetsu ya, but I've ordered several times and never had a bad experience, some of these sound like one offs or people not realizing what they were ordering.


Diet_Coke t1_izanhps wrote

No, they could still be owned by individual investors just without the protection of an LLC. One impact of that is that it makes slumlords personally liable for their properties, they can't play a shell game with LLCs and avoid liability for giving their tenants lead poisoning or failing to remediate black mold. From an insurance perspective, it would also limit one individual to owning ~4 - 5, maybe up to 15, 1 - 4 family dwellings because you can't get insurance for more than that as an individual.

I'm sure there would be some people who sold their properties. This change likely would put downward pressure on housing prices, which would be a good thing. It would not crash the market.


Diet_Coke t1_iz9vob6 wrote

>promoting affordable housing and protecting existing homeowners from being taxed out of their homes by an overheated housing market

Oh, I've got the solution guys! Let's let homeowners and out of town investors buy homes and turn them into short term rentals. That will fix our housing market.


Diet_Coke t1_iydzqip wrote

>You'd think your goal in a stolen car would be to not draw more attention to yourselves.

That's like 2 or 3 levels of thinking beyond what they're doing. The goal of stealing a car is either to use it in a crime so it can't be traced back to you, or to drive like an insane idiot for TikToks


Diet_Coke t1_iydu040 wrote

>It's written into our constitution

To an extent it is, but the 2A reads:

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Now, some people will say that anyone over 18 is part of the militia so it's all honky dory, but I think that's really overlooking the 'well regulated' part. What could a well regulated militia look like?

It would need uniforms, a leadership structure, bylaws, regular training, some kind of funding, a muster point, etc. A well-regulated militia might refuse membership to someone convicted of domestic violence, or using hate speech, or who has signs of being a mass shooter. A well-regulated militia might store firearms and ammunition in a safe area so that they're available for training or when a foreign army invades.


Diet_Coke t1_iydc0vg wrote

Maybe 146,300 or 246,300 or 463,000 - just comparing it to the other routes, both numbers look way low. I've gotten on the Amtrak to go RIC - DC several times and the train is usually pretty empty when I get on so I would be surprised if there's more ridership from Newport News or Lynchburg/Roanoke to DC than Richmond to DC. In context the 93,298 number looks funny too.


Diet_Coke t1_iy8d4xr wrote

The first one looks like garbage, its first citation is a YouGov online poll and then it has several citations of the publisher of Animals 24-7.

Hard to assess how good the second one is because it is a meta study and so it's not super easy to dig into the methodology. I believe any study that's looking at reported breeds is open to error as pitbulls are the most likely breed to be misidentified.

>Talk all this game about bias and fallacy and provide 0 sources.

I have repeatedly linked this wikipedia list of dog bite fatalities in this thread, you can look at it yourself and see that while there are pitbulls and pitbull mixes, they are not even close to the majority of cases despite being much more prevalent than many of the other dogs on there.


Diet_Coke t1_iy87ybb wrote

My dude, I literally handed you a refutation on a silver platter. Look at the wikipedia link. All you have to do is scroll down, there's a column for breed. Anyone with MS Paint can make a bar graph, it is just not a source. The source on yours, Animals 24-7, looks like an alarmist publication, go to their website and the literal first story is "“We can’t live like this in a world where dogs eat children”. Come the fuck on.

Here's one issue with relying on media reports as a source: dog breeds are highly likely to be misclassified. If a boxer attacks someone and a bystander thinks it was a pitbull, that is going to get reported as a pitbull attack. The CDC stopped collecting dog breed information in bite statistics because it is so difficult to accurately classify.


Diet_Coke t1_iy6b6vx wrote

They actually have an axe to grind because they were mauled by a pitbull. Their own trauma is being expressed through violence on a mass scale because they advocate breed bans. Kind of ironic in a way.

Please note, you're throwing around the word 'studies' but haven't shared anything except for a website run by someone with no background in statistics. If you wanted to look at statistics on race and crime in humans, would you start on a neo-nazi website?


Diet_Coke t1_iy68uzm wrote

They have their detractors because it's a website run by someone with an axe to grind who has no background in statistics. Do we even have to go over why 'it matches the headlines' is a poor argument and open to so many different sources of bias?

Go to

And look at 2022

And you will see that yes, there are pitbulls and mixes but there are plenty of other breeds as well as dog packs and unknown breeds. You will also see that pitbulls and pitbull mixes aren't the majority, and that is despite there being way more pitbulls than almost any other breed on there.