DiogenesOfDope t1_j91bsf9 wrote
Reply to comment by Typical_Balance3892 in TIL that "Lilo & Stitch" (2002) used exclusively watercolor backgrounds, since Disney, after some failures, was investing in other projects. This was later called a "hand drawn miracle". by starring2
They are ok movies but not really up to Disney standards
DiogenesOfDope t1_j8o2uaj wrote
Reply to TIL that the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night" was the opening line to an actual novel published in 1830, but runs on for another 51 words: "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which..." by dylancatlow
I figure alot of things start with that. It's a very basic description
DiogenesOfDope t1_j5o08lq wrote
Reply to comment by unknownpanda121 in TIL that NBA Player Lou Williams was almost carjacked in 2011, until the thief recognized him and stopped because he was a Lou Williams fan. Lou Williams took him to McDonald's as thanks. by FiNN8778
Maybe the guy was stealing a car to go to mc donalds tho.
DiogenesOfDope t1_iu63hrz wrote
Reply to TIL about anti ninja floors in Japan. They were purposefully made to squeak as to alert people of intruders. by tpb01
I can't believe my contractor didn't offer me anti ninja floors wtf. Jk I'm too poor to afford floors
DiogenesOfDope t1_jbny1yx wrote
Reply to comment by greatgildersleeve in TIL that actor Red Foxx was only 49 when he starred in Sandford & Son. He wore makeup to look older. by SaltyDogBill
Becouse he enjoys the extra D?