DonQuixBalls t1_iwzjmg5 wrote
Reply to comment by ElectrikDonuts in Global Electric Vehicle Sales Up 62% (Overall Auto Sales Down 8%) by ElectrikDonuts
Correct. They're German made ID series vehicles, and they're quite good.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv6f4n wrote
Reply to comment by liquid_at in GM CEO Barra says electric vehicles to be profitable by 2025 by zsreport
I don't need to take it as evidence, ya spatula. I've followed the industry for years. I've seen dozens of articles.
You're not looking to learn, but smear shit. Go do some reading. You'll see.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv5tzt wrote
Reply to comment by PhluXx1 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Literally the opposite.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv5s68 wrote
Reply to comment by CropDuster921 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Walkable cities exist. Do you know why more people don't live in them?
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv5lr8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Recycling is limited today because so few batteries have been taken out of service, even across all brands. It works.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv5f4f wrote
Reply to comment by Shot-Job-8841 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
How would you store grid scale quantities of hydrogen?
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv59wv wrote
Reply to comment by Sweatyballs8015 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Hydrogen solves no problems, while introducing a whole new raft of them.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv4zrq wrote
Reply to comment by Easypeas44 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Hydrogen isn't a chemistry problem, but one of physics. It's done. The physics can't beat today's batteries, let alone future batteries.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv4bpb wrote
Reply to comment by Bournvitta2022 in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
Hydrogen lost. It's over.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv3weo wrote
Reply to comment by whyamihereonreddit in Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals by filosoful
>There are a lot of projects being developed right now
So you agree they aren't possible today.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwv2970 wrote
Reply to comment by liquid_at in GM CEO Barra says electric vehicles to be profitable by 2025 by zsreport
You've been shown the information, but you still claim not to know. It's solved. The link contains more details.
DonQuixBalls t1_ivg3riv wrote
Reply to comment by chin-ki-chaddi in Dutch pilot project for hydrogen heated homes allowed to begin by alex20_202020
>stored as hydrogen, at much lower cost compared to batteries
It can't. Storing hydrogen is complicated and expensive.
DonQuixBalls t1_ivg3ki6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dutch pilot project for hydrogen heated homes allowed to begin by alex20_202020
If you have the power, just use it to heat the homes. Extra steps are waste.
DonQuixBalls t1_iu9mcnm wrote
Reply to comment by darklink594594 in E.U. plans for only electric new vehicles by 2035 ‘without precedent’ by do_you_even_ship_bro
Hybrids are better than gas, but only juuust barely. Small savings for the added complexity.
DonQuixBalls t1_iu9lskp wrote
Reply to comment by poke133 in E.U. plans for only electric new vehicles by 2035 ‘without precedent’ by do_you_even_ship_bro
Some European cities have charging on the street lamps. Easy solution since the power is already there.
DonQuixBalls t1_iu9lg9n wrote
Reply to comment by in2q21 in E.U. plans for only electric new vehicles by 2035 ‘without precedent’ by do_you_even_ship_bro
He didn't decide it, he just recognized it. Hydrogen is a dead end pushed almost exclusively by the fossil fuel companies selling it.
DonQuixBalls t1_iu9kxdl wrote
Reply to comment by ChinesePropagandaBot in E.U. plans for only electric new vehicles by 2035 ‘without precedent’ by do_you_even_ship_bro
More like a hair dryer, but it's still easy to pick up 5-10 miles of charge per hour. 50-100 miles of added range overnight is doable for many drivers.
DonQuixBalls t1_iu6a8rr wrote
Reply to comment by reddit455 in Amazon May Turn to Its SpaceX Rival for Satellite Launches by Mynameis__--__
Wow. Full circle.
DonQuixBalls t1_ityjhof wrote
Reply to comment by ShillingAndFarding in Tesla faces U.S. criminal probe over self-driving claims, sources say by 3loves9
Like Vitamin Water?
DonQuixBalls t1_ituy1hq wrote
Reply to comment by Ifkaluva in Lyft co-founder says autonomous vehicles won’t replace drivers for at least a decade by lughnasadh
Everyone in the industry is confident it will happen in less than ten years. Lyft isn't in the industry. They don't know.
DonQuixBalls t1_irdijl9 wrote
Reply to comment by awfullotofocelots in Tesla Megapacks Arrive In Hawaii, Kicking Coal To The Curb | Tesla's Megapack battery system is stepping in to fulfill the state’s power requirements after the last shipment of coal. by chrisdh79
MegaPacks are not manufactured in Nevada. They have a factory in California that opened this year.
DonQuixBalls t1_ir3ojwe wrote
Reply to comment by fwubglubbel in What 13 Robotics Experts Think of Tesla’s Optimus Robot by BotJunkie
The full name is Optimus sub-sprime.
DonQuixBalls t1_ir3obux wrote
Reply to comment by Elusive-Yoda in What 13 Robotics Experts Think of Tesla’s Optimus Robot by BotJunkie
It was a recruiting event. They said that a half dozen times during the presentation.
DonQuixBalls t1_iwzjyns wrote
Reply to comment by 8to24 in Global Electric Vehicle Sales Up 62% (Overall Auto Sales Down 8%) by ElectrikDonuts
>GM has 7 separate EV models
Not quite. Hummer, Bolt, and Bolt EUV are the only ones on the market.