
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j9y75nt wrote

The financing and after that the cost is what concerns me. We're paying over $10 to cross the Verrazano and GW Bridges each way. The Verrazano is 60 years old. Surely it's paid for itself by now.

As to the Big Dig...The original estimated cost was $2.8 billion. The final project cost was $14.6 billion. The Boston Globe estimates the Big Dig will ultimately cost $22 billion (with interest) and that it won't be paid for until 2038. With inflation being what is is, I can't imagine that in current dollars.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j9uxg10 wrote

I never said anything about welcoming anyone. You shouldn't talk about gaslighting, Comrade.

I said that in a multicultural society, there's people from all races, ethnicities, social classes, religions and political persuasions. I also celebrate diversity. So should you!


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j91a58p wrote

Of course there have been LGBTQ Irish Americans. No one is keeping them from marching.

What does being a member of the LGBTQ community have to do with celebrating the Irish American contribution (political, governmental, military, community, cultural) to NYC or America? Is it somehow entwined? Why a separate banner?


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j7ytwqt wrote

I'm not saying that what you're describing is necessarily bad. However, zoning to allow it- in other words, making the law reflect the reality and not be a guideline- is preferable. The fact is that illegal conversions are often not to code (causing risk of fire, floods, etc.) and can be a danger to emergency workers who think that they know how many people are inside, and think that they know the basic floorpan.

Hopefully you'll agree.