
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jcf43c3 wrote

What are you, the mayor of your block? Anyway, I don't believe you for a minute.

I live in Queens, the most diverse county in America. My block has people from all over the world, so I don't know what you're implying about "exactly like me". The Chinese, Korean, Azerbaijani, Indian, Russian and Secular Jewish families nearby aren't much like me, never mind "exactly" like me, but yeah, man.

You're the duke of diversity, the maharajah of multifariousness... /s


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jcezqqz wrote

Apartments block light, create density (less street parking, more anonymous neighbors in buildings, more garbage on curbs). I know every person on my block by name. I know their cars. There's no strangers. It's safe. I enjoy the familiarity. Swathes of buildings destroy that. And I paid dearly for a house that has those features. Fundamentally altering my community would rob me of what I paid for and do nothing to benefit or improve me in any way. You bet I'd be against it- regardless of who moves in to the buildings.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jcex10g wrote

You can't help because you have nothing to show me. I'm not asking for your help and I want nothing from you, thanks.

I see nothing wrong with favoring single family homes. I live in one. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers do as well. There are entire communities built around the idea of low density housing.

I especially see no racial overtones or dog whistles.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jcewql3 wrote

Douglaston's City Council Rep is Vickie Palladino (R). The Congressional Rep is George Santos (R). John Lie and Toby Nizic rep on the state level and aren't exactly DSA firebrands.

Hochul could have started by focusing on any number of places, yet she chose one of the few places in NYC with considerable Republican representation.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jc6dlfb wrote

I rode the train to Manhattan in the 80s. Unless it was rush hour, we never rode alone. There were designated cars where all the kids staying after school for sports, clubs, etc would know to ride for safety in numbers. I made friends with guys I didn't like because they lived near me and we'd see each other a few times a week for years.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jbe5pd9 wrote

That map sadly only features trees on public land. On my property I have a fig, Pear and Crabapple tree, none of which are counted. The crabapple in particular is a favorite with local bees, and it's blossoms in spring are a magnificent sight. I feel bad that they're on private property and no one gets to see them. Anyway, thanks for the link....


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jbe5702 wrote

One needn't have a degree in finance and economics to know that the surge in migrants has an unsustainable burden on the city's budget. I'm equally concerned with less immediate costs. Those children will have to be educated, so bilingual services will be needed and some schools will probably see bigger surges. Classroom sizes will be impacted. Principals' budgets will be impacted if they need more teachers. Any migrant might need health care at some point. The effects will linger for a long time....


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jb4n5ni wrote

On highways, yes. GCP is off limits to trucks, too.

There's no other major roadway. Unless you're suggesting that trucks go through streets like Atlantic Avenue, Ft Hamilton Parkway, Kings Highway, the Conduit, etc. Sure there's the Van Wyk but you have to get access somehow and the last thing it needs is more trucks. Moreover, all those trucks in poorer areas with high asthma rates is "environmental racism".


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jb4lgw8 wrote

That is a bad thing. Not all criminals are the same. Some are people who made bad choices. Others are repeat offenders with lengthy sheets. Fuck those guys.

Fighting to reduce punishment for someone like that is horrible when signs show they'll just do it again once they're out.