Dr_Midnight OP t1_je7hwwf wrote
Reply to comment by godlords in West Baltimore gang takedown: 33 indicted on drug, gun and attempted murder charges, police say by Dr_Midnight
Price of the brick goin' up.
Dr_Midnight OP t1_je78ynn wrote
Reply to comment by DarkNFullOTerrors in West Baltimore gang takedown: 33 indicted on drug, gun and attempted murder charges, police say by Dr_Midnight
Dr_Midnight t1_je68t4d wrote
Reply to comment by AmbitionOfPhilipJFry in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh
Ah, I see. That bill's dead on arrival.
> says Hartford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler.
Dr_Midnight t1_je62aqo wrote
Reply to comment by AmbitionOfPhilipJFry in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh
> They're trying to get rid of murder charges for people under 25.
"That's a nice argument, Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?"
Dr_Midnight t1_je603hn wrote
Reply to comment by rreed2000 in Moving to Owings Mills by Few_Apartment187
Owings Mills Blvd (and branching roads) are a mess, and Reisterstown Road from where it terminates near BCCC in the City all the way to Main Street in Reisterstown is a hellscape - especially in the stretch between Dolfield to the West and McDonogh to the East.
With that said, 795 is the fucking Fury Road.
Dr_Midnight t1_je3b0nb wrote
Reply to comment by OrganizeASpoon in Maryland’s second-highest court orders new hearing for Adnan Syed, reinstates conviction by Cody_in_Baltimore
The tone people present during an interview is not one that should be used to convict them no matter what bullshit prosecutors like to pass off as science.
Dr_Midnight t1_je3anik wrote
Reply to comment by CallMeHelicase in Maryland’s second-highest court orders new hearing for Adnan Syed, reinstates conviction by Cody_in_Baltimore
> As did the court that convicted the central park 5, who were later found to be innocent.
Court of Law also convicted George Stinney, Jr. as well as the Scottsboro Boys.
Court of Law also convicted Timothy Masters.
...and Herman Williams.
...and Anthony Ray Hinton.
...Kirk Bloodsworth.
...and the list goes on which is, the absolutely blatant racism of cases like George Stinney, Jr. aside, why I will continue to stand by the principle of Blackstone's Ratio.
Dr_Midnight t1_jddfbmc wrote
Reply to Anyone know what this is? by PtolemyShadow
No one ever told me that this guy hooked up with the Utz girl.
Dr_Midnight t1_jbh96ul wrote
Reply to comment by Jrbobfishman in Group backed by Sinclair Broadcast Group chair likely to push for referendum to allow Baltimore recall elections by aresef
If I am not mistaken, this is what is colloquially referred to as "willful blindless" - which, in and of itself, is ironic given the previous statement about things being "easier to see".
Dr_Midnight t1_jbh0cve wrote
Reply to comment by Jrbobfishman in Group backed by Sinclair Broadcast Group chair likely to push for referendum to allow Baltimore recall elections by aresef
Oh dear, he's actually being serious...
I guess I shouldn't blame you for such. When the overton window has continuously migrated to the right to the degree that it has, something right of center might actually manage to look "extremist" and "so far left".
After all, when the state is seizing money being legally carried from people (who are not charged with any crime) and the K-9s in use are given "high praise" by CBS News anchors - a network considered to by AllSides to be "Left Leaning" (where they also categorize NPR to be), well... I guess that civil asset forfeiture is, per your reasoning, a position held in a positive view by the "extremists [...] far left".
Likewise, per that chart, the New York Times is "Left" -- actually, further left than they have NPR positioned when their opinion section is taken into account. Right... okay, sure. I didn't realize that writing puff pieces for the LAPD after they shoot innocent bystanders was a feature of leftist media, but here we are.
Dr_Midnight t1_jbfv1n2 wrote
Reply to comment by Jrbobfishman in Group backed by Sinclair Broadcast Group chair likely to push for referendum to allow Baltimore recall elections by aresef
> ...and NPR.They are both extremists with an agenda
You drop a /s
there, or were you actually serious?
Dr_Midnight t1_jbfu5li wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in Group backed by Sinclair Broadcast Group chair likely to push for referendum to allow Baltimore recall elections by aresef
> In California they used it to recall the judge that let Brock Turner off.
That is a singular example in a sea of bullshit exampled as recently as 2021's Newsom recall campaign which did nothing more than cost the state hundreds of millions on that pointless stupidity.
Edit: adding source for cost -> https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-02-03/california-recall-election-cost-200-million-dollars
Dr_Midnight t1_ja47kgj wrote
> The crew showed up early and tore off the old roof in a single day, an impressive feat. The crew foreman called me in the early evening to give me a field report and to drop a bombshell on me: the cost of repairs would be an additional $20k. I was expecting this moment (I knew there might be some repairs required and they would only be revealed once the old roof was off) but I was not expecting the pricetag. I expressed my shock at the price tag and asked if there was anything "not absolutely necessary" that we could trim from the repairs to get the price down. His answer was a flat "no." Moreso, I would have to remit payment immediately. Half tonight and the other half tomorrow. > > This moment is the main reason I'm writing this post. If you own an old house and you're getting your roof redone, you are going to experience this moment. You will have zero leverage in this moment. I literally did not have a roof on my house. Rain was expected on Thursday. The foreman even sent me a screenshot of the weather to turn the screws on me.
This is a scam that has been around for decades, and it works for the very reasons that you cited. We're not all experts. We don't necessarily have the visibility and knowledge to check them on their work and claims either.
Likewise, when they do these things, as you noted, you are literally without a roof; and they know this which gives them incredible leverage. What they did was blatantly illegal, but no shortage of people have paid up because "that's a nice house you've got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it."
On that note...
> They used particle board instead of the plywood specified in the contract. Do I want to fight them over it? No I do not. They also installed a section of the downspout incorrectly so it leaked. It took a week to repair and once again their communication was poor. I had to harangue them to get it done.
> The total cost came to $31,500. I believe the work was done well and the roof is high quality (although only time will tell).
You absolutely do want to fight them. Particle board is fine in IKEA furniture. It is not fine in roofing materials, nor is it what you contracted for.
They fucked up the install of the downspout causing a leak, and failed to fix it in a timely manner.
They charged you almost twice what your original cost was for an inferior roof that is most certainly not "high quality" by any measure and you think they did you a favor?
The only thing you should be doing right now is drafting your complaint to the MD AGs office, and seeing who might be interested in determining whether or not you have a cause of action.
Dr_Midnight t1_ja13vuy wrote
Reply to comment by BansheeLoveTriangle in Virginia passes law to crack down on organized retail theft by RainbowCrown71
* IT workers who are almost all exclusively classified as "Exempt" while being expected to work 50+ hours a week, plus be on call, have entered the chat. *
Dr_Midnight t1_ja13o0c wrote
Reply to comment by CounselorNebby in I think DCist is just trying to gaslight people about issues around the city. by [deleted]
It's giving the same energy as "WHY IS THE MEDIA NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS" from a person who then links to an article of the media doing exactly just that.
Dr_Midnight t1_j9aykhe wrote
Reply to comment by TheSpektrModule in Gun pulled on me during road rage incident. by Avocadofarmer32
Thanks. I really needed you to explain to me that the city has an exceptionally high homicide rate hate on a per capita basis relative to its population - particularly when compared to the rest of the country. I never knew this before today in spite of all the years I've lived here and having seen it myself. You really opened my eyes there.
Now, are you done being disingenuous and pretending that the USA is not an outlier in the world when it comes to gun violence in first world nations?
Side note:
> Baltimore is one of the most murderous cities in the world, surpassing even such well known shitholes as Kingston, Johannesburg and Port Moresby.
Could your dogwhistle be any fucking louder first thing on a damn Monday?
Dr_Midnight t1_j9atrn7 wrote
Reply to comment by HumanGyroscope in Gun pulled on me during road rage incident. by Avocadofarmer32
> Life is cheap in this City. country.
Unfortunately, fixed that for you.
Edit: The sound of children screaming has been removed.
Dr_Midnight t1_j8stj76 wrote
Reply to comment by djslarge in MPD Officer often fed information to Proud Boys leader by oxidadapanda
If there's one thing consistent about practically every single regional subreddit, it's this.
Dr_Midnight t1_j8shspf wrote
Reply to comment by _RemyLeBeau_ in MPD Officer often fed information to Proud Boys leader by oxidadapanda
Regular reminder that DC does not have a DA/SA.
Dr_Midnight t1_j7drn33 wrote
Reply to comment by Resident_Structure73 in If you saw an attempt to open someone else's Subaru today... by FineHeron
Tell me what ya gonna do now?
Dr_Midnight t1_j7ceq89 wrote
Reply to comment by Resident_Structure73 in If you saw an attempt to open someone else's Subaru today... by FineHeron
Would you say that you move in, or that you move out?
Dr_Midnight t1_j73c70h wrote
Reply to comment by sxswnxnw in First Latina to be crowned Miss Coppin State University faces backlash by PleaseBmoreCharming
Same here. My first reaction was that it's cool that she was named "Ms. Coppin". My second reaction was to the people complaining online to whom my only response can possibly be "who are you?"
Dr_Midnight t1_j72h6ay wrote
Reply to comment by ThatguyfromBaltimore in First Latina to be crowned Miss Coppin State University faces backlash by PleaseBmoreCharming
> Do they want segregation? Because this is how you get segregation.
If you want the serious answer, then I will tell you that the answer is yes: there is a small, but loud segment of Black persons (more specifically, some Black men) who hate integration and indeed do believe that schools should be segregated (including staff and faculty); and they have the idea that doing so would benefit Black persons as a whole.
Perhaps not coincidentally, if placed on a venn-diagram, the overlap between said persons, conspiracy theorists, and hoteps (the latter two not necessarily being mutually exclusive) is functionally a flat circle.
Dr_Midnight t1_j727lzd wrote
Reply to comment by Mustbearobot in How real are the red light and speed trap cameras all over town? by DvrthKen
Speed cameras are separate. I'm referring to the red light camera heading eastbound near the 95 on ramp.
Dr_Midnight OP t1_jec6y1y wrote
Reply to comment by Bmorewiser in West Baltimore gang takedown: 33 indicted on drug, gun and attempted murder charges, police say by Dr_Midnight
> People would think heroin you can get from a pharmacy is “safe” as compared to shit you get in the street because, comparatively, it would be.
Far less likely of a chance of it being cut with fentanyl -- that's for certain.