
Dr_Midnight t1_j47kuss wrote

> the howard street stretch connects those two chunks, and could be a lot nicer.

One possibility: Howard Street should be closed to North/South vehicular traffic between MLK and Pratt Street - allowing only light rail and pedestrian traffic. Allow the existing East/West traffic to persist, and convert the now no longer needed for vehicular traffic area to green space.

Just a thought for consideration.


Dr_Midnight t1_j380ey1 wrote

> The mayor said he's seeking $20 million in state aid to help the Baltimore Police Department improve and modernize, $50 million to design and construct two new police districts in northwest and northeast Baltimore...

Can't wait for yet another year of seeing/hearing Harford County and out-of-state clowns continue to talk about how "this is what happens when you defund the police" despite literally the opposite happening.

> ...and $100 million to address vacant properties and eliminate blight. > > He admitted it's an ambitious agenda but said he's optimistic with the incoming leadership across state government in Democrats from Baltimore, including Gov.-elect Wes Moore.

...show the plan?


Dr_Midnight t1_j2f6aar wrote

> Not DA, USAO

Sometimes, I read these threads and wonder how many of them live even remotely in the region given that they seem to be ready to comment on who does what in a given area while getting the basic facts wrong.

In /r/Baltimore, as an example, there was guy who was saying that the crime was the fault of the Mayor because he is apparently too afraid to fire the District Attorney.

Note that Baltimore has a States Attorney and it's an elected position over which the Office of the Mayor has precisely zero control.

Here, we have a user who doesn't even know which party is responsible for undertaking in the act of criminal prosecutions in the District. Likewise, between 3 different city subreddits I actively participate in, and the way it frequently pops up in other subreddits, the number of times I see the "tHe DA dOeSn'T pRoSeCuTe CrImInAlS" trope is hilarious - especially after what happened in San Francisco. ^^^^[archived]

In other cases, it becomes blatantly obvious when the right-wing "let police do their jobs" crowd that doesn't live in a city comes in to a thread.

Case in point: In /r/LosAngeles, during the run up to the General Election, a user who claimed to be resident of 2 years who had apparently moved from Chicago (lmao, sure) spoke about how Los Angeles has gotten worse under the leadership of Karen Bass... who - up until she took office as the newly elected Mayor of Los Angeles two weeks ago - had never held elected office in the City of Los Angeles.


Dr_Midnight t1_j0hf2if wrote

>Proper timing does not require synchronization. The situation could be drastically improved by a citywide overhaul to add sensors to non-priority streets. In the short-term, simply adjust timers to give those streets ten seconds every minute (or something along those lines).


Hell, in the intermediary, a significant improvement would be to also shift some intersections from controlled signals to flashing red and yellow lights in the late night hours (2:30 - 5 AM).

Also, we need some traffic circles (roundabouts) in this region -- but done properly, unlike that dangerous joke of one in Charles Village.

>The problem isn't bad synchronization, it's that you have to sit at a red light for 30 or more seconds with no opposing traffic.

"30 Seconds"

* Laughs in Sinclair Lane *

There's that and taking literally 10 minutes to take Lombard from President to MLK at 3AM without a single other car on the road if you catch so much as one red light because you'll be sitting at a red light in - without exaggeration - every signal thereafter.

We've likewise all seen the hell scape that Downtown becomes during the day - though nothing is fixing that short of reducing demand -- aka: rail. If only there was a fully studied, fully funded rail line that ran East / West and could reduce demand by providing an incentive for others to park in the I-70 park and ride, and commute in from there. Perhaps we could even color it red.

I hate to say it because I've talked about the lack of enforcement of traffic laws and vehicle codes here for years (and I maintain that photo enforcement is not a solution), but this city's infrastructure passively encourages bad behavior.


Dr_Midnight t1_izvq1n0 wrote

> This seems to be missed on this thread what they are often just a placeholder until local market conditions change

In Woodlawn, on Security Blvd., when Best Buy closed up shop in 2016, there was talks about seeing what else could replace it. A storage facility moved in. It has been there ever since.

In Owings Mills, there used to be a Giant in Newtown. It closed and moved to where the Mall used to be - across from the (then new) Costco. The site has sat empty since with residents in that area asking for something like a Lidl (which I believe did recently open up in Reisterstown). Last I knew, a storage facility was slated to move in there as well, but was being blocked by residents.

In Cockeysville... well... we're in this thread aren't we?

I used to say this at work when someone proposed something temporary: "Temporary measures have a bad habit of becoming permanent fixtures around here."


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyk186x wrote

Reply to comment by neutronicus in Fuck off Draft Kings by Dr_Midnight

> If you like sports podcasts these gambling ads are all over that shit, and not just interstitial ads, the content is shot through with it as well.

Oh man, it's everywhere. News broadcasts. Radio. Sports. Billboards. They're so pervasive.


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyjn80e wrote

Reply to comment by Matt3989 in Fuck off Draft Kings by Dr_Midnight

> That doesn't specify they're using the 'Official' app.

My understanding - though this may be incorrect - is that "Reddit Apps" is reflective of the official app across both iOS, iPadOS, and Android. Users who utilize other applications do so effectively via Reddit's API and are not reflected in these statistics.