
Dr_Midnight t1_iyeiep1 wrote

The state and position of signage here is becoming increasingly problematic. Some are obscured by foliage. Some are obscured because Work Vans, Trucks and SUVs have gotten so big that you can't see them. As an example, I've nearly run intersections in the city because I couldn't see the STOP signs obscured behind them.

I got ticketed once in Fell's because the parking rules had been changed with an addendum that was posted - and I can't exaggerate this - barely one (1) foot off the ground on the pole that no reasonable person would've looked at.


Dr_Midnight t1_iyaibd1 wrote

Reply to comment by Flapperghast in Temporary Vehicle Tags by luchobucho

My record so far is three years.

Edit: I think someone took this to mean that I've had an expired temporary tag for three years. No: the worst one I've seen so far was a car with temporary tags that expired nearly three years ago.


Dr_Midnight t1_iw4n3al wrote

I'm going to speak to something with specific regard to Midtown-Mt. Vernon, and the unforeseen ramifications that can result from a change to neighborhood.

Particularly along the N. Charles Street corridor spanning the range of Mt. Vernon Place through Preston, there was nightlife there for years and restaurants that would also be open for varying times throughout the week.

Generally speaking, Maryland Liquor Laws limit establishments to staying open until 2AM, and most places on weekends would serve that time frame - save for after hour spots that would stay open longer. Those places attract people, and, in particular, attract foot traffic - especially in a place like Midtown-Mt. Vernon where parking is relatively very limited.

In the past decade, however, the area has seen the closure of Emma's, Eden's Lounge, Mansion, the Elephant, the Hippo, Grand Central, and a few more night spots that all closed for one reason or another. Part of this has been a result of owners moving on (The Hippo and Eden's Lounge). Some of it has been a result of owners screwing up (Mansion). Part of it has come from developers taking over spaces and then doing nothing with them for literally over a decade (Eden's Lounge). There are other reasons, but the net result is that Mt. Vernon's nightlife is all but dead. Where the streets used to be filled with people in the night hours on Fridays and Saturdays, they're all gone.

One of those reasons in particular is community pressure (which also applied to both Mansion and Elephant) - particularly in that persons moving into the neighborhood for some reason did not want the nightlife there. I'll need understand the concept behind moving into a neighborhood that has a certain culture and then demanding that it change, but that's what we have here.

The restaurants in that area thrived on that foot traffic. Never on Sunday used to be open until 3AM on Fridays and Saturdays. Not anymore. The Spot was previously open and busy until 4AM on the same days. Those days are gone. Even Viccino's used to stay open late. That's no more as well.

No amount of employees from Agora (sorry, but it's true) going to those places day after day are going to keep them continually afloat.

Then came COVID-19 and that destroyed several that were on the margins already. City Cafe is gone, just to give an example.


Dr_Midnight t1_iu6awvh wrote

> Obviously

Obviously it's not that obvious or I wouldn't have addressed it - particularly when you use terms like "we" and "us" that confer inclusion of self; and the monolithic statements don't do anyone any good.

> if it didn’t apply to you , then it wasn’t about you.

Regardless, it still needs to be called out.

> I have seen it first hand ! I’m sure you have too.

Since the topic at hand is anti-Antisemitism, let me ask you: have you ever seen anyone of Jewish faith or ethnically so use terms like "we" and "us as Jewish folk" as a descriptive statement when referring to people who are also Jewish such as Ben Shapiro who downplay anti-Semitic comments, or who themselves espouse similar ideals?


You haven't.

Just like I've seen Black Israelites and members of the Nation of Islam - both of whom are known for prominently espousing anti-Semitic rhetoric, but I'm not running around referring to them as "US" and "WE" just because their membership happens to be Black.

So, with that said, I reiterate: if you want to refer to yourself, then refer to yourself. If you want to refer to people you know [of], then refer to people you know [of]. Otherwise, keep "US" out of it.



Dr_Midnight t1_iu5sxb5 wrote

> No we not doing this. Us black folk laughed and made jokes about his antics and didn’t take anything seriously , how you mad because one community is actually defending themselves and not accepting bullshit.

> Furthermore, he said his anti black nonsense and we still bought Yeezes and made the man a billionaire.

I have a quick question: "We"?

Precisely who is this "we" that you're referring to? Likewise, who are "us Black folk" in this scenario? I ask because, among those that I choose to associate with, "we" have consistent principles and don't seek to willingly and actively fund those who do damage to "us Black folk".

You may have been more than happy to laugh at him, make jokes about his antics, not take him seriously, and proceed to give him your money in exchange for one or more pairs of his Yeezes.

In the meantime, please adjust your language to use the singular. If you're to use the plural, then I would ask that you drop the monolithic statements, focus your wideranging statements to specific entities, and kindly leave "us Black folk" out of it while "we" continue to call him out on his bullshit.


- Management.