Dr_Worm88 t1_j1zcgrm wrote
Reply to comment by CertifiedFukUp in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Which is great and I’m super happy you have that. I live in an area covered by volunteers and they are solid people. But there’s no way the township or even neighboring townships could offer FT staffing. Even if you use current infrastructure there just isn’t money to do it safely.
That’s gonna be the case for a lot of areas in the state.
Honestly it’s gonna get really interesting really quickly.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1zbvnc wrote
Reply to comment by CertifiedFukUp in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Not every community can afford that. It’s easier for class 3 cities and above. But everyone else…not so much.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1yomq0 wrote
Reply to comment by DarkRitual_88 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Trust me I get it. That’s the driving factor on why it’s unsustainable.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1yokvy wrote
Reply to comment by sassycritter235 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
It would go a long way.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1xwzst wrote
Reply to comment by hpghost62442 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Training burns technically.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1xwmbo wrote
Reply to comment by MrRojoRicin in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Volunteerism is on a nose dive. A lot of companies will be unable to respond or unable to respond safely in a very short time frame if they aren’t already.
It’s an unsustainable model.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1mu8m8 wrote
Reply to comment by rivershimmer in Lilly Borough Dad Overdoses 14-Month-Old Son With Fentanyl: Authorities by jillianpikora
If your gonna do it, might as well do it humanely.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1mtt8j wrote
Reply to comment by rivershimmer in Lilly Borough Dad Overdoses 14-Month-Old Son With Fentanyl: Authorities by jillianpikora
Thanks very interesting.
Still not a fan of capital punishment but interesting way.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1mkg3v wrote
Reply to comment by Snoo-65388 in Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
You think they had no idea leading up to this winter that things would be cold and electricity might be used to alleviate that?
No they definitely had no time ever to prepare for this.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1iqkun wrote
Reply to comment by Medium-Cauliflower61 in Lilly Borough Dad Overdoses 14-Month-Old Son With Fentanyl: Authorities by jillianpikora
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1iq734 wrote
Reply to comment by largeroastbeef in Lilly Borough Dad Overdoses 14-Month-Old Son With Fentanyl: Authorities by jillianpikora
Do you have a link to that story? I would like to read more.
Dr_Worm88 t1_iykpjjy wrote
Reply to comment by Caution999 in Bucks County Election Deniers File Multiple Petitions to Disrupt Certification of the Midterm Election by Open_Veins_8
First you didn’t ask me the question.
Second it’s not that simple especially in the context it was originally asked.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you hasn’t watched the hearing and didn’t listen to why that question was in bad faith.
Dr_Worm88 t1_iykm7k1 wrote
Reply to comment by Caution999 in Bucks County Election Deniers File Multiple Petitions to Disrupt Certification of the Midterm Election by Open_Veins_8
You know the best part of everything involved in this statement just how obvious a bad-faith ploy it is.
Dr_Worm88 t1_ivieeno wrote
Reply to Not verified? Wife and I dropped off mail in ballots directly with the election clerk office, we both voted in the last election. by jvall05
> The applications are marked “not verified” or “NV” if a voter’s identity couldn’t immediately be verified or if the application needs to be verified again before the ballot can be approved, according to a statement sent to us by Amy Gulli, communications director for the Pennsylvania Department of State.
>“For example, a ballot application would be marked with NV if it is a new application that comes in and the provided ID was not able to be immediately verified,” the press release said. “Or, for another example, a ballot application would be marked as NV if it is from a voter on the permanent mail-in or absentee list who requested a mail ballot for both the primary and general elections, and their ID needs to be verified again for the general election.”
Dr_Worm88 t1_is6g803 wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
It doesn’t take trust. Just look historically. They bungle the economy pretty much every time they are in power.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is69oo1 wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Conclude all you want. You have nothing to support it and it matters not to me. The best part is you are just running on emotions at this point and no logic, not a good look.
I already voted so now it’s just time to wait and see how things go.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is5903n wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Already voted. I also don’t party vote or vote against a candidate. I evaluate each one and determine how they would best represent me and vote accordingly.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is41jn5 wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Damn. Here I thought we had made real progress in your ability to not make baseless assumptions.
You know nothing of me or how I vote.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is40y8c wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Why would I know better than you?
Dr_Worm88 t1_is3xlhv wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
I’m saying if you piss of your constituents you face losing re-election. That’s what drives most politicians.
Arguably a conservative going against this risks upsetting their base and losing votes.
Not sure why this seems weird it’s the root of politics.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is3pkht wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Correct. But they aren’t under any obligation by their constituents to do so. You can’t just change laws without following the proper procedures.
It creates a very dangerous precedence.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is3mxg2 wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
They chose to enforce laws as they are written. This isn’t how you correct an unjust law.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is3lp6y wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
But that is how our government functions.
Dr_Worm88 t1_is3h856 wrote
Reply to comment by Time-U-1 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
Follow the legislative process to changing a law. The crux of the issue at hand. The process was against standing laws. Change the law through the appropriate governing body and it can’t be challenged.
Dr_Worm88 t1_j1zd08v wrote
Reply to comment by CertifiedFukUp in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
No doubt they went down. You see the same thing when you transition EMS from volunteer home response to career or volunteers w/dedicated shifts.
It’s just expensive. Really, really, expensive.