DragonLordAcar t1_j029d0u wrote
Reply to comment by LyonDeTerre in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
Honestly not bad social commentary. Felt more modern while keeping to the feel of the old comic’s Superman.
DragonLordAcar t1_j0299xq wrote
Reply to comment by TheWandererStories in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
I place my money on this one.
DragonLordAcar t1_ixwa6xj wrote
DragonLordAcar t1_ixv7kbs wrote
Reply to comment by CrazyCatShan in [WP] The . . . creature . . . has been following you for weeks now, but nobody else can see it. It just sits there, staring, grinning. Then one day you look across the coffee shop and see a young woman with another one right behind her. Your eyes meet . . . by ImmortalJadeEye
An easy way to improve this is to space each quote. If you wrote this on mobile, you need to “enter” twice for the space to appear for some reason.
DragonLordAcar t1_ixfale8 wrote
Reply to comment by UntakenNameFtw in [WP] The humans don’t trust the AI, so they make it more human. Turns out, this turned the AI from innocent to genocidal. by crfnalti
I generally don’t like poetry but this one is good
DragonLordAcar t1_ixetqit wrote
Reply to comment by Omen224 in [WP] When you learned your mother was a goddess, things finally seemed to fall into place. The other demigods laughed at you, the only child born to the goddess of the hearth, Hestia. But your power was so much more than they could dream of. by not_quite_graceful
Same loophole for LGBT+ in the Bible. “A man shall not sleep with another man.” So lesbians are ok biblically speaking.
DragonLordAcar t1_j029sgl wrote
Reply to comment by shmapitalism in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
If you are on mobile, double enter for paragraphs to form. It will make it easier for people to read and less likely for people to skip over it.