Dredly t1_j2b4aca wrote
Reply to Is smoking weed illegal, I know possession of weed is illegal but is it illegal to smoke it in your home by Ronnie-Nesbitt
This question does really explain a few of the posts on here lately...
Dredly t1_j2adpxt wrote
IS this only happening in the winter or year round?
is it BETTER or WORSE in the winter?
Dredly t1_j2a2wwn wrote
Reply to comment by Whipstich-Pepperpot in Is Ames Department Store coming back to Pennsylvnia? by -TheFarce-
The running joke in our area was people couldn't figure out how to spell Jamesway so they shortened it to Ames lol.
Dredly t1_j293tcs wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative-Flan2869 in Pennsylvania not among states raising their minimum wages in 2023 by gvillepa
Since 1980 ish
Dredly t1_j261z7m wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
You want farmers to give rights to the public to walk all over their property on permanent trails which they would surrender their property to enable.
and I've walked on a ton of trails in NE PA, on game lands, state forests, in the Lehigh Valley, Worlds End, stretches of the Appalachian Trail and a bunch of others... and no matter what, there is very clear signs that people have abused the privilege of being there, they have littered, they have left graffiti everywhere possible, and they have walked off the trails wherever they felt like it.
I would LOVE to know what trails or paths you are walking on where people magically show respect for the rules... cause I have YET to see anything like that anywhere. Hell I haven't even seen a spot where people stay on the sidewalk and don't let their dogs shit in everyones yards
Dredly t1_j25o1rh wrote
Reply to comment by fryerandice in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
He doesn't care. HE wants to be able to trespass, so THOSE people need to do what he wants!
because why should THEY have something when HE wants it... dude is all over the place in this thread
Dredly t1_j25nubx wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
wait... so you want to put in a blacktop walking trail on private property?
and, I hate to point out the obvious - but those are required as part of NEW DEVELOPMENT, meaning they are zoned in... this is the equivalent of "must install sidewalks"... how in the hell is this relevant to people using rural trails, walking all over the place and shitting wherever they want
Dredly t1_j249p3g wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
Where do people not stay on the trails? Literally everywhere?
It's so prevalent that it's one of the biggest rules on the website! You even responded to another person making excuses for people wandering of trail because there were not enough bathrooms
Dredly t1_j2482dh wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
You've never witnessed people and their pets wandering off trails??? I need to go hiking whete you do!!!
Dredly t1_j241tyv wrote
Reply to comment by Nugget814 in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
Should probably go without saying and clearly not relevant to the center median.. but please make sure its public land first, otherwise its theft
Dredly t1_j241h24 wrote
Reply to comment by AFD_0 in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
They literally just tape over the year on the signs by me now
Dredly t1_j240w0t wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
I don't think you've ever been in public?
Dredly t1_j240bbo wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
Unless its bordered by razor wire, people are going to walk all over the place
Dredly t1_j22pco3 wrote
Reply to comment by fryerandice in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
so then why would it be opened to public use? seems like thousands of people walking all over it would destroy it?
Dredly t1_j22f3p0 wrote
Reply to comment by turbodsm in Who would like this law changed? Regarding trails on preserved farmland by turbodsm
is it private property? or leased property?
Dredly t1_j20i0tj wrote
Reply to comment by xWhiteRYNOx in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
you do know what a paragraph is right?
Dredly t1_j202c0m wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in Piles of road salt where maintenance trucks idle are appearing everywhere. Question on reduction of waste. by snuffy_tentpeg
This isn't true. They use both according to penndot
Dredly t1_j202bhb wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in Piles of road salt where maintenance trucks idle are appearing everywhere. Question on reduction of waste. by snuffy_tentpeg
This isn't true. They use both according to pennant
Dredly t1_j1xf0o2 wrote
Reply to comment by xWhiteRYNOx in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
would have been funnier if you got the joke I guess
Dredly t1_j1wk1ih wrote
Reply to comment by xWhiteRYNOx in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
I was talking about your crazy post, not their crazy UFO stuff
Dredly t1_j1svdgz wrote
smoking the street weed again?
Dredly t1_j1kh31a wrote
Reply to comment by BeltfedOne in So here I sit in the dark. Wearing flannel-lined jeans and a hoodie. And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF? by BeltfedOne
>And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF?
does "WHAT THE FUCK" not count as outraged anymore? sure seems like outrage to me...
Dredly t1_j1kdsyn wrote
Reply to comment by BeltfedOne in So here I sit in the dark. Wearing flannel-lined jeans and a hoodie. And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF? by BeltfedOne
you did... you specifically said what you were doing and then were outraged that YOU would be asked to conserve power...
Dredly t1_j1k9p6e wrote
Reply to So here I sit in the dark. Wearing flannel-lined jeans and a hoodie. And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF? by BeltfedOne
do you think it was an email targeted just to you? or are there a ton of people out there wearing shorts and tank tops in their 80 degree homes right now that they were trying to target, people who using a metric shitton of electric while some people conserve?
Dredly t1_j2dyj32 wrote
Reply to comment by jamisonian123 in All the dogs in Linglestown now have environmental allergies?! by jamisonian123
sounds like something maybe being sprayed on the grass / area then. pesticides or fertilizer possibly? if you live in a valley it could be getting trapped... or your community might be spraying it.
If its literally just your neighbors and you and nobody else, I would do a water test and an air quality test and see what they show