
Dredly t1_j9ndv43 wrote

the current method for the vast majority is to use a sensor like a dexcomm unit that provide continuous updates, typically for 10 days in a row...


most people utilize blood tests as a means of ensuring their unit is correct, not for monitoring anymore luckily.


Dredly t1_j9nbpq4 wrote

The issue, for diabetics anyway, is they need continuous monitoring (more or less), to whoever jumps in that space needs to figure out the battery problem. having your watch need to sit on a charger for 30 - 45 minutes a day will make it much less useful


Dredly t1_j9hx10h wrote

Here are my suggestions:


  1. Look at aerial photographs. if your property is surrounded by people on small lots, they will be using your property for whatever they want and you are going to have a helluva time policing it. This is quadruple if you own the land right behind a development of homes
  2. Look at the topography of land, and look for trails or dirt roads, are there a bunch of trails crisscrossing the whole area including your property? If so people aren't going to stop using them just because you own it now.
  3. Look for neighbors you just KNOW are going to be a problem from the start. People with obvious obnoxious "anti-tresspassing" signs, like every single tree is posted on THEIR property line facing the road, but none anywhere else? probably an asshole who will trespass constantly and be a dick about it


Finally, look at the general area you are looking to buy in, does it look like a place people you don't want are just going to randomly show up at because its right off a major roadway where it will be a short cut to another place or near a plaza or is it 15 miles from the nearest parking lot and the only way to get to it is a 2 lane country road?


Trespassing signs don't work, gates and fences don't work, the only thing that will keep people off your land is having land in an area that isn't convenient for them to be able to get to


Dredly t1_j8zay8y wrote

I have to admit... this is kind of amusing.


MetEd STILL estimates bills ALL the time, It wasn't at all unusual for me to get 3 - 4 estimated bills in a row in 2018 and then get a refund because they had overcharged so much...


This is 100% legal, they are 100% ALLOWED to estimate your bill, the only reason this is even a thing is it happened in a really cold month. All these calls and claims that it is illegal are incorrect.


Dredly t1_j8g4w7k wrote

Uhh... their study is garbage based entirely on the volume and make up. They cannot get to any statistical significant findings by looking at this group of people's opinions. This is in no way a relevant sample sizing of any area. How do I know this is a total bullshit study? The makeup of it, for "Eastern PA", 29.4% white, 38% black, 27% Hispanic. there is no county in PA that even comes close to that demographic make up.


so implying that "under 45, and minority" is a qualifier of anything is fucking nonsense. They also have a nonsense age range "under 45" or "over 45"... why? because their numbers are shit so they had to grab something that encompassed enough people to make a headline. Only 25% of the people were over 45... there is no way it could have resulted in anything other then a headline of "younger are more skeptical" when 3/4 of your group is younger.


I would also like to point out that across PA, the more urban the area the better the vax rate. More urban areas also have a higher percentage of minorities, and youth. while extremely white areas with older populations and under-educated populations are the lowest on the vax rating.


Lets look at REAL reasoning show we?


Potter County, Bradford County, Bedford County, Juniata County, and Fulton County are the worst... all have the worst percentages... and they have LESS THEN 1000 black people living in them TOTAL, like all combined total. these are insane republican strongholds... like 80%+ voted for Oz/Mastriano


Where does Vaccine Hesitancy come from? Far right news media. All the extremely clear evidence points directly to a crystal clear link between republican / conservative news media consumption and vaccine hesitancy


Dredly t1_j7nzp1o wrote

In case anyone isn't familiar with Palmerton... it is a Super Fund site.


no really... not Super Fun... SUPER FUND... as in it was SO bad that they gov't had to come in and fix it... and in response, they started doing the same shit again that caused the super fund site to begin with. (no, I'm not kidding)




Dredly OP t1_j7ec8kv wrote

My ultimate 2 problems are 1. my backyard and side yard just basically is unusable for a day or 2 after rain because of the water and 2. massive runoff is eroding the edges of my driveway, causing it to crack and I REALLY don't want to replace it if I can avoid it...


only thing I can think of is to divert the water around the 2 problem areas... but I can't go the "easy" path as its fully blocked by my driveway (it has a "T" section that goes to a separate garage, so its not as simple as just run a drain along it