
DrixxYBoat t1_ivl8vxe wrote

Yup yup they even have new signage up at the actual Harriet Tubman Square which is great

I love the name change, though I prolly would've rathered a black Newarker that was super impactful, however, it's not Harriet Tubmans fault that her name has been super politicized, and apparently Newark was important for the underground railroad so ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ


DrixxYBoat t1_ivkijy1 wrote

Craziest thing is that we've had the same business administrator for around 20 years now, Valerie Wilson...

But it gets crazier, back in the 00s MTV recorded a documentary following high school kids.

One of the kids was from Newark Science, and had a HUGE issue with the lunch being served. Valerie came in as the school business administrator and made a big show to say she'd figure it out.

~20 years later in 2018, I met with her as a kid from the same school, and had the same exact complaints, (unknowing of her past record) she gave me the same spill as the other kid and promised that I'd see changes in the lunch programme.

I'm not the first to shit on administrators, but c'mon. School catering contracts don't last 20 years


DrixxYBoat t1_iviwwl7 wrote

More development is ALWAYS good.

Could it be better, yes.

Should it be better, yes.

Is this barebones and honestly not very exciting in the grand scheme of things? Yes.

It's still needed though. Downtown dies when development ceases.

>none of them are paying any taxes

This part bothers me though. Too many developers receive tax abatements.


DrixxYBoat t1_iviwl9s wrote

I feel like in a perfect world, a kid as dedicated as you ought to have more of a voice in the city.

Kids in our school system need to be up to date on all the developments happening in the city.

High Schools ought to have developers clubs ๐Ÿค”

Of course, our schools would have to actually give a fuck first. Can't expect kids to want to stay after school when you can't even provide a decent meal for em.


DrixxYBoat OP t1_iuv2lj5 wrote


7-11 is closing // selling 19 stores across Jersey.

The sold stores will not have the 7-11 branding which means Newark loses another powerhouse company, like when we lost the McDonald's on Broad Street.

Wendy's opened up on Broad/Market recently, but I wish I existed in a timeline where we got to keep everything and then build more.

We need a freaking Target downtown too. Idc, we need one.


DrixxYBoat t1_iuu3bwn wrote

Check Edit, and yeah, you're entirely correct.

I'm just asking for people to be real with their biases and to be consistent.

Keep the same energy when a cop does something heinous. Keep the same energy when a white guy does something crazy.


DrixxYBoat t1_iuu2thb wrote

Reply to comment by ahtasva in Cop shooter captured by GhostOfRobertTreat

Yeah, no. There's no magic about it. If you were the least bit informed about real life, you would understand that you're biased asf.

The Roles of Dehumanization and Moral Outrage in Retributive Justice

>When innocents are intentionally harmed, people are motivated to see that offenders get their โ€œjust desertsโ€. The severity of the punishment they seek is driven by the perceived magnitude of the harm and moral outrage.

>when criminal behavior is seen as intentional (e.g., [11]โ€“[13]), perpetrators are judged as more culpable, responsible, and blameworthy [14]โ€“[19] and are punished more severely [20]. In these cases, when mitigating factors are scarce and crimes are viewed as intentional, people tend to endorse retributive forms of punishment [21], [22] and are highly sensitive to the harm done in forming judgements about punishment severity


DrixxYBoat t1_iutmtxe wrote

I'm using criminals in a general sense, hence the quotations.

When a police officer of the community is shot, there's a gigantic uproar. The governor has to get involved and you have literally hundreds of officers stationed outside in my neighborhood.

When a citizen is shot, it's just gang violence. In fact, it's just another Tuesday for some of y'all.

Two things can be true at the same time. The alleged shooter was apprehended. He does not need to be dehumanized for the hell of it.

He hasn't gone to trial yet. There's no footage of him shooting. He's still innocent until proven guilty...or is that only a thing we say when the roles are reversed and the aggressor is an officer?

When there's a community uproar of another unarmed black person being shot, we're told to wait for the facts. We're told not to talk shit about the offending officer or his department.

Don't project your own "self reflection" insecurities onto me.


DrixxYBoat t1_iuth7d6 wrote

Reply to comment by ahtasva in Cop shooter captured by GhostOfRobertTreat

Apprehended. Stop being disingenuous.

This isn't the wild west anymore. "Criminals" are people who have done bad things. People who are apprehended and sent to trial.

Describing them as criminals you need to capture is dehumanizing.


DrixxYBoat t1_iuak98c wrote

A city needs a prominent middle class in order for it to have a flourishing economy.

New developments attract this middle class.

The displacement of people is real and the rent increases aren't good, but we can't be a poor city just for the hell of it. Mars doesn't want to hire our citizens as they are now.

In order to stave off gentrification, Newarks school system must be stellar. A city with a good school system is a city that prepares its kids to graduate college and be able to work and play in the city.


DrixxYBoat t1_ittk4x9 wrote


I remember there was a big issue last Thursday near branch brook park, but besides that idk.

Newark has a lot of aging infrastructure, and though the city is putting money towards renovations such as the air train at the airport, or the Penn Station redevelopment, this stuff takes time.

Too much damn time as we humans don't live for very long in the grand scheme of things


DrixxYBoat t1_itat8ob wrote

The article says that Arc Tower is having trouble getting approved due to it being in a historical area // needing to demolish something historical.

All I know is that the perceived value of historical areas is exaggerated. I'd rather give the next generation a booming economy rather than performative nimbyism.