DrixxYBoat t1_j7ls7zy wrote
Reply to Students tell of Black-brown tensions at Newark school ahead of town hall meeting by madsheb
Such a depressing situation. Newarks black vs latino war makes literally no sense considering both of our communities are very very similar when it comes to our values and beliefs.
I spent my middle school years in Plainfield, and the growing Latino population was never an issue for us kids.
The adults were annoyed because, "Plainfield used to be all black" but we as kids never had any beef and I cherish those days.
Maybe it's because we were dealing with Mexicans and Puerto Ricans as opposed to Portuguese, but tbh, I don't get why there's even a divide over there, why there's even a divide with the ironbound.
I don't know enough about this situation to claim both sides are the issue, but more than anything, I'm sad it's happening.
We have bigger issues at hand.
DrixxYBoat t1_j7lq9jm wrote
I'm in favor of this project, 100%
So nice to see the river being put to good use. Let's keep building ππΎ
Submitted by DrixxYBoat t3_10vs31h in Newark
DrixxYBoat t1_j7ch2mt wrote
Reply to comment by NeoLephty in The Future of Newark, and The Arc Tower by Kalebxtentacion
>You seem to abhors the fact that homeless people are in the city and not the fact that there are homeless people as a direct result of policy decisions. Homelessness is a solvable problem but building more expensive housing doesnβt solve it, it exacerbates it.
I feel very strongly that a strong middle class is the prerequisite to a strong economy for the city.
My summers in Denver as a child are proof of that.
Building more housing should not increase the cost of living for current residents, and I would love to see a form of rent control implemented to enforce that.
I would also support having mixed-income communities in addition to other affordable housing initiatives like rent-to-own, inclusionary zoning, and home ownership programs.
The city has already dipped our foot in the water for many of these, but future projects ought to prioritize them.
Homelessness as an issue sucks really bad, but it's hard to feel like nothing is being done when the city has recently unveiled it's plans to end homelessness https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2022/12/op-ed-mayor-ras-baraka-says-newark-must-put-end-to-homelessness/amp/
We can do both of these things at the same time. I think one of the biggest issues we face is the very slow bureaucratic process, but you cannot in good faith read that article and tell me that the city is doing absolutely nothing.
I think your issue is that homeless isn't being prioritized enough and you would rather see all funds go to that // the community as opposed to opening up the door to new markets and new developments.
My biggest issue with that is that a heavy chunk of our residents simply do not have the skillset to be working lots of the high paying jobs downtown offers.
As an aside, is there a barrier for entry, racism, and negative bias against those of us that are able to handle such jobs? Hell yes.
But our citizens right now are closer to security guard worker than to programmer or attorney.
The best way to fix this is to pour money into our youth, Newark Public Schools, so that the next generation of kids are prepared and equipped with these skills.
Our school budget is already over 1 billion dollars, so the resources are already there.
The management of those resources is a different conversation.
All in all, I feel like we can address most, if not all of your concerns without having to gut this project or forego other development.
Now a better question is, what's the likelihood that we'll do such a thing?
What's the likelihood that we'll implement rent control of this project goes forward?
What's the likelihood that we invest our money into tried and true tactics of community development if this project doesn't go through?
Will we take these monies and spend them right, or will we throw our bread at a different development proposal 6 months from now?
DrixxYBoat t1_j7c3a75 wrote
Reply to comment by NeoLephty in The Future of Newark, and The Arc Tower by Kalebxtentacion
This is a hilarious take. Building additional housing is a long game just like everything else. You give up a little and pray that 10 years down the line, your investment will hold true.
It's the same reason why we throw tax abatements at lionsgate and why whole foods in the hahnes pays no rent.
It's the expectation that if we build now, people will come later, and an economic boom will come later.
Newark does not have housing for billionaires. We barely barely barely have housing for millionaires.
The economic positives of having an upper class fostered in Newark severely outweigh the positives of what...trying to fix a complex homeless issue while our downtown withers away and dies? You've got a whole lot of downtown businesses barely hanging on.
Moreover, I firmly believe that this is not a mutually exclusive situation. We can focus on two things at the same time.
I abhor the homeless problem we have, but you cannot expect substantial + positive change in Newark if you're not willing to get fucked in the ass a little bit by gentrification. You just can't.
With the covid monies finally hitting our budgets, now more than ever is the time to build.
DrixxYBoat t1_j6ox06h wrote
Damn it looks like I missed this, so sorry kaleb
DrixxYBoat t1_j60i8e0 wrote
Reply to comment by HighCaliberBullet in Sneaking into Gateway by [deleted]
Yeah I just downloaded the app to my spare iPhone and was able to get in. No idea if it's an Android thing or if I should reinstall the android app.
Seeing that this place is already gatekept to the public is a bummer and it honestly just took the wind out of my sails.
DrixxYBoat t1_j60gsuw wrote
Reply to comment by HighCaliberBullet in Sneaking into Gateway by [deleted]
Where in the app do you verify you're a tenant? I should have access but I have no idea where to find it.
I've had the app downloaded to my phone for months now and I alr have an account
>Dude, why would you post this here? Some employee at any of the Gateways can show this to Onyx and dealing with them, theyβll make security stricter.
Lose-lose situation
DrixxYBoat t1_j5wku4z wrote
The poor social media manager when this decision gets overturned
I'm still hoping that gateway is a success so that we get more development and more resources in this city.
DrixxYBoat t1_j5wblqn wrote
Reply to If you are a fan of development, towers, or the Arc Tower would you be down to collab with the developers by Kalebxtentacion
You can count me in. Good on you for organizing this.
Would love to see how we can get this project greenlit // what problems they're facing.
I met this guy in Martha's Vineyard, and he coincidentally just LinkedIn requested me a few days ago.
Small world.
DrixxYBoat t1_j5wahjd wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in Chip City cookies are BIG by GhostOfRobertTreat
I personally like Ras, but Jesus Christ is his administration borderline incompetent.
They'll do the opposite of what he says and proclaim it's what he wants, and then he'll have to call a meeting and force everyone involved to work things out like it's a gotdamn high school intervention.
I want rapid development the same way Jersey City has seen a crazy amount of development in the past few decades.
DrixxYBoat t1_j5wa4dq wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Chip City cookies are BIG by GhostOfRobertTreat
Yeah right now the Halsey Street businesses are trying to get support from Newark Alliance, but it's a slow process considering how little time these guys have outside of their business + with them not being prioritized by the decision makers for whatever reason.
DrixxYBoat t1_j5t8ez3 wrote
Reply to comment by RainCloudz973 in Chip City cookies are BIG by GhostOfRobertTreat
this place isn't for you or even for me. This place is specifically targeted at the out of town Commuter crowd. The people who work at Prudential, Mars, Audible, etc. and primarily take the train into Newark every day.
The people who work at gateway 1, 2, or 3, or even the Newark legal center or the Hilton(?) hotel.
If they could, they would restrict both of us from even being able to access it, however, public pressure + the skepticism I have of the target demographic actually buying into this whole gateway concourse // mini mall thing would lead me to assume that eventually they'll be looking at the public to save the day and foot the bill for their 50 million dollar investment!
I would love a spot like this on Halsey, however, Halsey struggles with foot traffic and many of it's small businesses are upset that the city isn't doing more to highlight them.
DrixxYBoat t1_j5e83hv wrote
Where is the bus leaving from? What terminal are you landing at?
If you're going to Newark Penn Station, then yes, that'll be enough time as long as you ask airport workers for directions.
You'll land, head over to the air train, take the air train from whatever terminal you're at, to the airport railroad station.
You'll then scan your train ticket and will board any train that stops at Newark Penn Station.
Buy your train ticket using the NJ Transit App as it's faster to just scan the ticket and go as opposed to having to use the machines.
Once you get to Penn Station, find a Police Officer and ask for directions to the main desk // concierge.
Then ask the concierge for directions to the departure place for your bus #
I know off the top of my head that there are at least 2 different places where NJ Transit buses depart, and a completely separate place for greyhounds and private buses.
The travel time from the airport train station to Newark Penn Station is about 7 minutes
The travel time from the old Terminal A to the airport Railroad Station is about 10 minutes.
It shouldn't take you longer than 30 minutes to get to Newark Penn.
The only thing I'm not accounting for is whether you're landing at the newly launched terminal A or not.
If it's the newly launched terminal A, you might have to walk to an air train station // I'm not sure of the layout. I think I heard that there's a 20 minute walk which puts your commute closer to 50 minutes at most.
You can also call an Uber that would get you to Penn Station in around 20 minutes normally, and 30 minutes if rush hour.
If your bus is leaving from the airport, then you should also be good.
I wouldn't suggest taking a bus from the airport to Penn Station though, strictly because you're not familiar with the area.
I think the only other wildcard would be baggage claim. If your bags aren't ready by 2:20 call an Uber to Penn Station.
Since you're departing during the day, I'd assume there's another bus departure at 4pm, so you can always just grab a bite to eat // chill out somewhere.
DrixxYBoat t1_j52jllr wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Chip City Opens Newest Location in Newark, its First Location in New Jersey, on its Path to Cross 40 Open Stores by the End of 2023 | RestaurantNews.com by madsheb
*Monday-Thursday because fuck you
DrixxYBoat OP t1_j3yv1wp wrote
Reply to comment by NewNewark in The gateway bridge to Newark Penn is open to the public again by DrixxYBoat
Yikes, that's a bad look.
The security guards are used to me passing through, so there was no way I could test this out myself.
On the Instagram page I linked to in a different comment, they specifically said it's open.
People could technically try showing the security guards the Instagram post as proof, but that's still a run around that people shouldn't have to do.
It's like having to prove you're not a criminal.
DrixxYBoat t1_j3y8uck wrote
Reply to comment by Kalebxtentacion in One of the city of Newarks problem by ReadProfessional5944
Annex as in Hillside, Elizabeth, Irvington, etc. should all be boroughs within Newark similar to how Brooklyn is a borough within NYC.
Cities like Chicago and Cleveland have similar landmass as if Newark stretched from here to Piscataway.
That's also why Chicago can have so much gun violence on one side, but be completely elitist on the other.
Imagine if Irvington was the gun violence capital of the world, but you live all the way out in Piscataway, so you don't really see it.
The only difference is that in Chicago, both of these places are still named Chicago.
Anyways yeah, Newark ought to annex other cities. The only "losers" would be the city council candidates who would find themselves out of a job.
DrixxYBoat t1_j3y7p8i wrote
Reply to Friend moving to newark by Past_Cartographer230
Not to be a dick, but use the search.
Posts like these just come across as ignorant // in bad taste considering the history of Newark and the history of everyone assuming we're a trash ghetto city.
DrixxYBoat OP t1_j3y7d96 wrote
Reply to comment by NewNewark in The gateway bridge to Newark Penn is open to the public again by DrixxYBoat
Agree on all points.
I never got to experience gateway before the renovations, so I can only make assumptions based off of what I've seen.
I'm familiar with LaMonica. If I run into her I'll ask for answers.
DrixxYBoat OP t1_j3t79bg wrote
Reply to comment by NewNewark in The gateway bridge to Newark Penn is open to the public again by DrixxYBoat
Wow! The contract being 24/7 is insane. Can I ask who your representative is? I'd like to call them out on it if ever given the chance as I run into these guys sometimes.
A main concern expressed to me during my travels is definitely the homeless. People wouldn't want them seeking shelter here because then it will ruin the area. Objectively speaking.
Of course, there's a greater problem at hand which is, why do we prioritize material things over human lives? We're okay with people freezing to death as long as it's out of sight and out of mind.
I personally don't want this place to be overrun by the homeless, but clearly we're not doing enough to fix the homelessness issue. People wouldn't overrun this place if they had a warm place to sleep at night. The streets are very scary.
In any case, I'm sure even with this place being open to the public, the police presence will be heavy, and they'll target individuals who are seen as "problematic".
DrixxYBoat OP t1_j3sq1yn wrote
I work in the area so I've had access to it while they've been redeveloping the gateway concourse over the past few months.
I don't really feel like the concourse is ready for "prime time" but it's been nearly a ghost town for the limited businesses that are open.
The business folk don't give a damn about drinking a coffee and sitting down in the concourse lounge areas. They're always beelining straight to where they're tryna go, probably home.
I remember reading about how those bridges were built with public funds, so it's against the law to keep the public outside.
I'm curious as to whether they played a role in the decision, but I digress.
Submitted by DrixxYBoat t3_108k2hd in Newark
DrixxYBoat t1_j3soay9 wrote
Reply to which is the best phone carrier? by [deleted]
Can't speak about others but I've never had a problem with T-Mobile speeds in the city.
Consistently consistent.
T-Mobile is obsessed with acquiring new customers so you might be able to get a good deal.
DrixxYBoat t1_j2yawze wrote
Reply to comment by Nexis4Jersey in Went for a lunch time walk around Newark Penn station because it was warm out and I've been staring at this water walkway for years and never got down to it. seems like a great spot yet nobody's ever here It has swinging benches and what looks like eventually will be vendor space by Jimmy_kong253
These are insane.
DrixxYBoat t1_j7xifyy wrote
Reply to Best Japanese Restaurant in Newark? by Dramatic-Reenactment
Sakura Japan is my go to spot. Is it authentic Japanese food? I have no idea, but it's at a very convenient location on broad street which is a 10 minute walk from NJPac, or if you're city savvy, one light rail stop away from Penn Station.
The food allows me to enter a food coma and feel good about myself for 20 minutes before having to resume work.