DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j63qtr2 wrote
Reply to Wow, there is a public school in the city today with broken bathrooms flooding sewage into the halls. It’s still open. by anurodhp
There's no reason to push for a closure - call the health department. And OSHA.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j609699 wrote
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j5viw2e wrote
The T can't even electrify the Orange line reliably.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j5m0t6e wrote
I'm not freaked out by the warm December.
I'm resigned to the hellscape to come as climate change accelerates.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j3wnxiy wrote
Dateline show in 2030?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j3nsci8 wrote
Reply to comment by Afitz93 in Investigators found blood, damaged knife in basement of Cohasset home of Ana Walshe, prosecutor says by bostonglobe
"Criminals are stupid" is a good default.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j3ncptq wrote
Reply to comment by ThreeDogs2022 in Investigators found blood, damaged knife in basement of Cohasset home of Ana Walshe, prosecutor says by bostonglobe
Also, he has a federal case pending, for which the feds can revoke bail for that case.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j2hyurc wrote
Reply to Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
Because new! shiny! looks like progress and maintenance does not.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j29dx3r wrote
Reply to 3 former Stoughton police officers, department sued in connection with death of pregnant woman by Kingpine42069
Groomed her, statutory rape, and passed her around like a blunt at a 1980's suburban beer bash.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j299spo wrote
Reply to comment by snoogins355 in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
That is in the union.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j28vnfp wrote
Reply to Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
Meanwhile, state employees were told to fuck off and accept their 2.5% this year.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j24e5ys wrote
Scratchers are stupid.
Heads, you win thirty cents. Tails, you lose a dollar.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j208nnc wrote
Reply to Globe Editorial Board: Boston police union needs to accept new realities of policing by GlobeOpinion
This is the same Boston PD that claims it couldn't make any movement on reforms because the Chief of Police role was empty, as if they don't have a chain of command.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j1d8p2i wrote
Wrapping gifts. Vacuum the house. Prepping for Xmas eve dinner. Hoping the power stays on as the storm blows through today and tonight. Doing dishes. Caring for puppehs. Might crack open the aged egg nog.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j15olsm wrote
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j10qcf7 wrote
Reply to comment by arch_llama in Update: Wooden frame replaces half of a brick building in Roslindale Square by Steltek
Insurance typically covers the loss of products, building, and equipment, but AFAIK doesn't cover profit losses from being unable to reopen.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j0eancp wrote
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j021ocl wrote
Reply to comment by ak47workaccnt in Mass. due $230 million in opioid settlement with CVS, Walgreens by ak47workaccnt
No, but I'm willing to learn.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izzx5jh wrote
Reply to comment by qwizatzhaderach in Should ~20° be painful on your fingers and toes? by ipsissimus666
You're not wrong - wind pulls body heat away.
Goretex jackets and pants stop it dead.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izzwzmf wrote
Reply to comment by nattarbox in Should ~20° be painful on your fingers and toes? by ipsissimus666
I've been quite comfortable in -15F wind chills with the right gear. I'll shovel snow mid-blizzard because I won't be cold.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izxwn9m wrote
Reply to comment by nattarbox in Should ~20° be painful on your fingers and toes? by ipsissimus666
Just living up to my name.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izxgecj wrote
There's no "too cold" in Boston - there's just the wrong clothing.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izv5l7k wrote
Reply to comment by Equivalent_Warthog22 in Kick bf out housing laws by [deleted]
> You’re not a landlord. No money has changed hands.
That's not how it works, at all.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izl5hu0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Then how come he has a Puerto Rican name?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j6623s7 wrote
Reply to Another Green Line horror by LawrenceSan
Incidents like this are why my bag has a flashlight.