DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izj6jcc wrote
Reply to In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Someone need a Whaaaaaaaaaaambulance?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izetrx2 wrote
Reply to comment by NoMoLerking in Apparently the MBTA is having a tough time filling their IT positions to the point they're resorting to using a particular type of 3rd party recruiters located out-of-state to fill them by goldeneye0
The fare collection system is undergoing major upgrades at all stations and levels.
Group have to ensure that PCI-DSS audits are passed annually.
Someone's maintaining the web sites and those payment systems.
The smartphone apps have sprints.
I've worked on contract for MBTA. Their usual contracting agency is a pain in the ass to work with, offer no PTO beyond the mandated sick time under Mass law, and bill a minimum 50% more than your pay.
When the economy does into a dip, contractors are the first to go.
They had a year to figure out if they wanted to convert my contract to employee and decided to fuck around, then they found out.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iyejw6e wrote
Reply to Fuck the Royal Family. by CrimeCoder
God save the Queen
'Cause tourists are money
And our figurehead
Is not what she seems
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iycfban wrote
Staties are the worst drivers when it comes to obeying driving laws.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iy8t8zn wrote
Wow, a whole million dollars. That's not even remotely a penalty to Google.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iwuwxlr wrote
Reply to comment by kd8qdz in People who leave 10 car lengths between them and the car in front of them on the highway in traffic going < 40mph… WHY?!?? by dubble_chyn
Some of it is sweating, so every pothole is an adven
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iws22gv wrote
Reply to People who leave 10 car lengths between them and the car in front of them on the highway in traffic going < 40mph… WHY?!?? by dubble_chyn
I'm hauling dynamite.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iwlifny wrote
Reply to What if Charlie Baker runs for President? by nebirah
Baker's not far enough into the insane right to stand a chance.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivuusiy wrote
Reply to comment by Opening-Dimension742 in Re-education unemployment benefit? by angiehsu
Since when is total assets a determinant for whether someone can claim unemployment and training?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivut495 wrote
Reply to comment by Opening-Dimension742 in Re-education unemployment benefit? by angiehsu
> Fine, but why should funds for benefit programs be used for them when they have the means to survive?
This reads as another version of "poor people shouldn't have nice things". Should people with 401K, IRA, and 403B finds take those out rather than using a government-provided service for the purposes it was designed for?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivurjj4 wrote
Reply to comment by Opening-Dimension742 in Re-education unemployment benefit? by angiehsu
OP is getting USD 4800 annual in dividends. That won't cover the rent.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivuqsnv wrote
Reply to comment by Opening-Dimension742 in Re-education unemployment benefit? by angiehsu
How is that relevant at all?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivpsq3v wrote
Reply to comment by neutron_uplink in Why did Great Barrington vote so staunchly for No on 2? by nrvs_hbt
> You can certainly move into the woods of Alaska if big bad govt is so awful.
Except for Alaska's socialist policy of distributing oil money to all individuals. God-damned communists.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivp3b8u wrote
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivotmy7 wrote
I'm surprised there wasn't more resistance to this, but ohm well.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ivf6caj wrote
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iv1zr2j wrote
Reply to SCITUATE food and beer by AffectionateIron5336
Untold is a brewer on Country Way near Greenbush in Scituate. Their selection is amazing.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iv091c7 wrote
Not a snowball’s chance in a supernova.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuriyyi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Does the textile waste ban seem like it is going to be a nightmare to anyone else? by lufecaep
> My understanding is that this law is not ment to apply at the individual level.
It wasn't written that way, unfortunately.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuqmy4j wrote
Reply to Does the textile waste ban seem like it is going to be a nightmare to anyone else? by lufecaep
It'll simply be ignored by most.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuntzo6 wrote
Reply to PSA re: the MassPike: The Left lane is for *passing*. If you aren’t passing? Stay in the Right lane. Please. Thank you. by mrsnrub77
Avoid road rage: Stop telling other people how to drive.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuib7zr wrote
Reply to comment by homefone in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
Which doesn't matter in the state senate where it's not done by population.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iui86pm wrote
Reply to comment by legalpretzel in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
I'm merely explaining what I think the thought process is, not defending it.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iui1ojx wrote
Reply to comment by fremenator in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
>People are bad at realizing they live in a society.
No disagreement there, but that's the reality.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_izkgnbd wrote
Reply to In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Christians bitch about religious holidays, which is funny because their God wasn't strong enough to have any of His own so they stole them from other cultures as they subjugated them.