DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuhzfcp wrote
Reply to comment by fremenator in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
The overwhelming majority of the MA communities get no benefit from the MBCR or T. Why would they put their constituent's money into it?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuhwpbs wrote
Reply to comment by fremenator in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
The problem with the bike barn at South Station is anyone with access can take any bike. Security is non-existent.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itv68by wrote
A dollar bill and the motto "That'll show 'em who's boss!"
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itryp2f wrote
Reply to comment by -Horatio_Alger_Jr- in There is no compromise with election deniers. And that’s the problem. by Sinman1982
Not it's not, because you're deliberately and dishonestly conflating "Voting machine security if you can get your hands on the innards are hackable" and "the election was compromised by hacked voting machines."
I've also noticed the "election deniers" (read: The people who thin without a shred of evidence that the votes tallied were compromised) also think those elected from the GOP should be unseated as well.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itrs72h wrote
Reply to comment by -Horatio_Alger_Jr- in There is no compromise with election deniers. And that’s the problem. by Sinman1982
If you have physical access to those machines, they're hackable. That's true of damned near every computing device.
There is no evidence that occurred, in either the 2016 or 2020 elections.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itr3u6w wrote
Reply to comment by IrishTempa420 in There is no compromise with election deniers. And that’s the problem. by Sinman1982
^[citation ^needed]
And assuming there are actual truthful sources for it, people didn't storm the capitol to kill Congress members, did they?
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itr3ghu wrote
Reply to comment by revjoe918 in There is no compromise with election deniers. And that’s the problem. by Sinman1982
No one sane denied the 2016 election results.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itl43ap wrote
Reply to comment by somegridplayer in How are you voting on propositions 1-4? by gooutside0628
The Kappy's nearest to me isn't any better than a package store.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itl3x0m wrote
Reply to comment by somegridplayer in How are you voting on propositions 1-4? by gooutside0628
If you take anything Diehl says seriously please do the rest of us a favor and don't vote.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_itkkot6 wrote
Reply to comment by Barkingpanther in How are you voting on propositions 1-4? by gooutside0628
Same deal here. I don’t see how it benefits anything but megacorps
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iszbv9g wrote
Still going on from what I know, and the union will be taking massive fines.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_isp59a8 wrote
Reply to Unpaid Time Off in MA by FaxxKellerman
Yes, unless it's covered by something else like Covid time, FMLA, or other regulations.
You can take the time anyway, and they can fire you.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_isd71bq wrote
Reply to comment by hemingwai in Pension for MA employees by pninardor
I didn't say it was a union benefit. Which job (office worker, health care, state police, etc.) absolutely plays into the benefit determination.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_isd64g5 wrote
Reply to comment by hemingwai in Pension for MA employees by pninardor
I can check the documents I got from the union in the last two weeks; I'll grant it depends on the union and job scope.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_isd5b6s wrote
Reply to Pension for MA employees by pninardor
After ten years the pension is 25% of your highest five consecutive earning years. This can go up to 90% with 30+ years in service.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_ir6kh8v wrote
Reply to Pittsfield by artistsays
The jail isn't bad.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iqw5nus wrote
Yes; it's your money, and USD 159 for an hour of sitting around isn't bad.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iqo536x wrote
Reply to comment by SquirtDiarrheaOnMe in One of my biggest triggers are thieves by [deleted]
It costs nothing to not be a cunt.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iqmq4ww wrote
Reply to comment by Mentallyill_penguin in One of my biggest triggers are thieves by [deleted]
Even on a month-to-month state law requires that the time of notice be equal to the time between rent payments or 30 days, whichever is longer.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iqmoy5b wrote
Reply to One of my biggest triggers are thieves by [deleted]
If it's in a common area they may have thought/felt it was daddy's and not the tenants?
Be sure to hold onto your lease documents - even sold, you're still a tenant with rights.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iui0q3h wrote
Reply to comment by fremenator in We need a bicycle car on the commuter rail by TheTechOcogs
Once you get out toward Framingham you have a ton of towns and smaller places where people aren't using it to go to the east.
"Greater economic benefit" is hard to sell to places like Greenfield, North Adams, and Northbridge where there are other needs closer to the ground.
People overall seem to dislike seeing tax money spent on things that don't directly benefit them.