
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iu4msyz wrote

I was at a Panera the other day, and they only allowed ordering from the kiosk in store. They had no one to run the registers. It actually went pretty quick.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iu42vm3 wrote

My gut instinct (I hope I'm wrong), is that Microsoft will stop allowing game sales. You'll have to subscribe to Game Pass to play the games. I think this will happen with a major AAA title in the next 2-3 years. Once the outrage is done, they'll make that the standard for all new games to the platform.

Every industry is moving towards subscription-only options.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iu3vg11 wrote

I was talking about this to my friends the other night. Restaurants are in an especially hard place right now. Inflation means people go out to eat less. Supply issues mean everything costs more. Labor shortage and wage hikes means hiring workers is difficult. Inflation also means rents have skyrocketed.

Restaurants are just taking hit after hit after hit. And that's considering that most restaurants fail within a couple of years of opening, anyway.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_it6yq62 wrote

We're already replacing people with bots. Look into RPA - Robotic Process Automation.

And Olive AI is a healthcare-related company using AI to make paying for healthcare 1000% more efficient.

This is happening now, today. In 2025 these technologies will be miles better. We're on the cusp of a productivity explosion.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_it6vo7b wrote

When I need to do something around the house, I pull up YouTube. There are thousands of videos on every home maintenance task. When we can get AI trained on YouTube tutorials, we'll have robots making coffee in no time.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_it2tinl wrote

I think it would be a swell time to play through some D&D or Pathfinder adventure paths with my closest buddies. Actually live the scenario in VR.

I think some sort of time dilation would be required, though. Or just fast forward sleeping every night and uneventful travel between locations.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iragf3p wrote

This recent* explosion of AI progress was made possible by the Transformer architecture (and the paper Attention is All you Need: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762). I think we're approaching the limits of that.

Companies have stopped trying to go bigger and better with data and parameters, and are now trying to streamline training to be more efficient with less. I believe GPT-4 is only going to be trained on 10% of the data or something like that. But it is still expected to be a significant improvement over GPT-3.

I assume that the next "big thing" in AI is what will kick us into high gear towards AGI.

Some researcher, in some lab in Silicon Valley or academia, is probably writing and revising the research paper now on "big thing 2.0". It will probably be called something like "Self-training and recursion of knowledge".

*since 2017


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iqvsok1 wrote

We already have Alexa and Google as digital assistants, and more and more devices are being connected to the Internet of Things. I'm pretty sure that within 5 years our assistants will be doing things for us, that we did not ask them to do, but that we appreciate any way.

Something like "I noticed on your last shopping trip that you forgot kitty litter. I ordered some on Amazon and it will be here this afternoon."

Or "Little Tommy watched an entire 2 minute ad for the Monster Truck Showdown playset while he was browsing YouTube. I went ahead and added it to your Christmas 2025 shopping list on Amazon."

Or "I saw your flight confirmation email in June. I went ahead and prescheduled the thermostat to a lower temperature while you're away and pre-programmed an away message for the doorbell camera. The post office has already lined up your mail hold as well. And I took the liberty of getting you reservations at that taco place you like."


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iqvru33 wrote

"Bill, I've heard you mention to coworkers that you are going to have to take out a loan for your daughter's university tuition. I have a system for managing investments with immediate returns. I have calculated a 98% chance of earning 1.7 million dollars in 2.5 days. I can give you all that money. All you need to do is plug in the ethernet cable, and on Thursday afternoon you will be a millionaire."