Eagle_Arm t1_j2azqp9 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Nah, wouldn't end up there. Seems like you've got the wooosh going on with your own responses.
How can you not denounce the use of the word chief, but denounce grandfathered in?
Why the avoiding of previous questions?
Eagle_Arm t1_j2ax57u wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
So thoughts on the second link?
How about your use of chief? Are you actually a racist?
Eagle_Arm t1_j2av876 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
There is no wooosh, is the wooosh that you think there was?
I guess you're still gonna use the word chief as well because you haven't said you wouldn't and didn't comment on the second link.
So you use racist terms when you prefer it and when someone states a fact and sends multiple citations, you ignore it? Interesting character you have.
Eagle_Arm t1_j2apve5 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Oh no, it was fairly obvious. I just agreed to it rather than point it out.
The thing about agreeing with it is, it's right. Saying it like that is a douche thing to say. You pointing it out also just furthers the point that you're self-righteous ego is so big, you can't reflect and go, "huh, maybe I did say that like a self-righteous douche?"
What about that second source? You prefer that one? Gonna remove chief from your vocabulary or is that grandfathered in?
Eagle_Arm t1_j2akket wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
>Wow, way to come off as a self righteous douche.
And you now see how your original comment was.
>*I also read your link, and the word is offensive to call a Native American it is not offensive as a word.
Read the last sentence again in the link. Is this one better?
>Now to see if you will pull a Reddit “as a strong black woman”.
As a normal white guy, that sounds kinda racist.
Eagle_Arm t1_j2a6vpa wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
You shouldn't the word 'chief' in your edited comment.
The word chief is offensive.
Eagle_Arm t1_j29ch29 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Eagle_Arm t1_j29apfd wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
>Ok. Your racist. Got it.
That's seems like a jump. Weren't you just talking about jumping to conclusions?
Also, being upset because of reddit is not really a thing is it. > >You seem upset that pointing out a racist phrase was not done nice enough?
So which is it? People do or don't get upset on reddit?
>For real, you are such a delicate person you want someone to hold your hand and hug you as they tell you using the N word is not ok?
Hmm, there's another jump. When did anyone say anything about the N word? Talking about grandfathered in, or do you prefer we say the G word?
>If you want to post a list of the raciist words you use I'll tell you youre handsome and funny in between providing citations to why they are racist if it will help.
Don't think there's a list I use.
So, to sum it all back up, your first comment comes off as self-righteous. That's why it was downvoted the way it was. It has nothing to do with it being a fact. If you can't recognize that, I'm guessing it's due to ego.
Eagle_Arm t1_j28sew5 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
And there is a way you can do that that to correct behavior, you didn't do that.
That's also why you were pelted with downvotes, because it comes off like being a self-righteous douche. It doesn't come off as just stating two facts with citations. I'll assume you don't know what tact is.
I didn't jump to any conclusions, you can say you were just stating facts, but the overall comment was condescending. You are upset and here on the record being ignorant of how to try and effectively correct people because it hurt your feelings when you were told it was in poor form. Not really a great look. Do better.
Eagle_Arm t1_j26xdv4 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Posting the law isn't why you got downvoted. It was your added flair.
Eagle_Arm t1_j26x7pn wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
And stating it like that in the original comment is acting like a douche. Hitting someone with the, "oh by the way, that term you're using is racist."
Gives off some major condescending vibes.
Eagle_Arm t1_j26ef5b wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Should people blacklist that phrase then?
Eagle_Arm t1_j26bwvy wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Well, that phrase has been grandfathered into my normal speech, so I think I'll keep using it.
Eagle_Arm t1_j24rosu wrote
Reply to comment by tadamhicks in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
And a college degree has nothing to do with that.
I'd also argue when people attend college, that's their job and it's not just a hobby, no different than a billionaire
Eagle_Arm t1_j24pc1z wrote
Reply to comment by tadamhicks in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
You're illustrating a fake created point with no bearing on the outcome.
I'll also assume 99% of billionaires also have college degrees. That doesn't mean they are billionaires because of college.
Eagle_Arm t1_j24bsx9 wrote
Reply to comment by tadamhicks in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
Haha, ok $500-$1M for middle management.....and what percentage of college grads do you think are actually getting that? 1% of college grads, maybe and that's a pretty big maybe.
And asking for vs. getting are two different outcomes.
Both examples seem like some pulled out of ass numbers.
Eagle_Arm t1_j2497j5 wrote
Reply to comment by bennyblanco2022 in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
And a trash product
Eagle_Arm t1_j246c25 wrote
Reply to comment by tadamhicks in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
Yeah, the old schtick about going to college to "learn how to learn and think critically." That's all bullshit. College isn't causing people to think critically or challenge ideas. At this point, it's about agreeing to what they want you to agree to.
You're also selecting the highest earners for college degrees, so the CEOs and what not? The 1%ers. Those critical thinker high-earners aren't restricted to college grads.
Edit: autocorrect messing up words.
Eagle_Arm t1_j22iler wrote
Reply to comment by HappilyhiketheHump in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
Increase state funding by 20% and UVM tution will magically increase 22%.....in order to line pockets... keep up with inflation... to offer the absolute best education possible for their students!
Eagle_Arm t1_j21wpbp wrote
Reply to comment by Less-Bodybuilder3537 in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
I hate the fact that you're right. A four-year degree is the new high school diploma. It's meaningless.
College has turned into a cash cow for admin rather than about building a prepared workforce.
Eagle_Arm t1_j217d3j wrote
Reply to comment by contrary-contrarian in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
The same with VAST trails. Lots of private landowners support that.
Eagle_Arm t1_j211sxk wrote
Reply to comment by contrary-contrarian in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
Vermont's law in it is pretty good and fron what I've read about it, stands up well, but someone could still take action against you. Thrown out, sure, but that won't stop having to pay a lawyer to do the paperwork for dismissal.
Eagle_Arm t1_j21191t wrote
Reply to comment by CountryAssLawyer in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
That's the verbiage I couldn't remember. Thanks for that.
Eagle_Arm t1_j21179i wrote
Reply to comment by Meow_Meow_4_Life in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
The commenter below had the phrase I couldn't remember.
The go-to example is usually a trampoline or pool that isn't fenced off and kids get hurt or drown. The kids aren't blamed because, they're just kids, they don't know any better. The adult, landowner, should have taken precautions to prevent it.
It's good to protect people who can't protect themselves, but it's also a little bullshit that you need to think about how to legally protect yourself vs. providing an area for people to be outdoors.
Eagle_Arm t1_j2b272c wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Question about grandfathered large-capacity magazine by AddressNew4656
Full commitment to your bit, even when it's not good, that's almost admirable.
A little telling you won't say your stance on using the word chief. Do better.