
Eagle_Arm t1_ivreows wrote

Saying he hasn't accomplished anything is disingenuous and just sticking head in sand.

Could slap "Phil Scott Accomplishments" in the old Google machine and it'd churn out some answers for you. Or just go to the governor's office website and see what they've done.

Don't need to like the guy, but saying did nothing is just lying.


Eagle_Arm t1_ivolw9h wrote

Reply to comment by rufustphish in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish

Don't think that was said. The example has already been brought up if someone leaves for 8 weeks at a small business.

The work doesn't stop and finding someone to do a job for only 8 weeks is a difficult task. Let alone if the job is technical. How many jobs can someone just show up, do the same work for 8 weeks, and just leave?

It's an example based in the reality of the situation. Would businesses like to give employees time off? Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? I want to be a part of that world where it's possible. Is it feasible? No, so it doesn't happen.

It works at a large business with 1000 employees who can take that work and spread it out over that 8-12 weeks. But a small business with anywhere from 3-20 employees, not an easy task.

Don't get me wrong, I want to be able to take that leave and have my coworkers take it too, but for a small business, it's not a realistic option.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuz93pe wrote

That's not really what coping is or even the proper use of the word... I'm also inferring that you read it because replying to it without reading would be dumb.

Also, it would overall take less time to read it rather than asking for a tl:dr, reloading it, and then reading that. Saying tl:dr is a 'meh' joke, but you read it already. I'm assuming you could read it at least. You've already used cope and implying wrong, so maybe not.

You can continue further with the joke if you want. I'm assuming you'll ask for the tl:dr for this message too.

tl:dr: you either read it and made a lazy joke or you're dumb. Maybe both. Probably both.


Eagle_Arm t1_iux0l98 wrote

When you look at a painting, is it real? Did that moment in time actually exist or is it a reconstruction?

A photograph is a legitimate capture of time. It's a real, quantifiable thing. There are crime scene photos, not crime scene paintings. We use 'mug shots.' We sell products with photos, people date others based on photos, history is documented via photos.

Photos can be art, but they should be considered art and labeled as such. People get upset with manipulative photos because it is trying to pass of a lie using a medium that is used to show truth. That's where the anger comes from.

Nobody looks at a painting and says, 'the trees aren't that color....a mountain doesn't look like that.' Because it's a painting, it isn't there to tell the truth, it's there to be a painting. Photos show truth and when that truth is altered, it's a lie.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwz7cr wrote

It's false? So you didn't edit your comment? And you didn't put in additional information that goes against what I said in my comment? Ok sure...

I can prove I don't work with anything in tourism, but unlikely you'd believe it anyways.

If only there were jobs that people worked in Vermont, but weren't tied to Vermont itself, the land, any part of the economy here, production, or labor here...if only those types of jobs existed.....if only.

I don't have any anger about this. You're popping off about everyone hating tourists and you're incapable of realizing markets exist that are not impacted by tourism. So no anger, a little disappointment that the education system failed you, but that's about it.

Go ahead and get your last word in or maybe go and edit the comment in front of this one to make it seem like none of it makes sense. Toodaloo!


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwsvfr wrote

You know exactly what I'm talking about with your edit.

I responded to your comment. You then went back and edited your initial comment to create counterpoints to my response, so it looked like they occurred before I responded. 1. Just weird. 2. Poor etiquette.

Your point also doesn't stand. I said 'I' am not impacted by tourism. Not a difficult concept. I never said "Vermont" doesn't benefit from tourism.

There are plenty of people in Vermont who's lives are not impacted by tourism. Maybe you just don't see it.

My comments aren't shitting on tourist comments, they are comments about me receiving zero impact from tourism.

You're such an angry little boy. Calm down.


Eagle_Arm t1_iuwp6hx wrote

>Thank you. That's because I'm right and you're wrong.

Bro, you went back and edited/changed your comment after I responded to it in order to try and make it make more sense...after I already responded. Are you for real? Haha. If you have to change your initial comment to make yourself sound right...are you actually right?

Yeah, not giving you my job, but again. Zero impact. You could argue a large part of VT is impacted by tourism, but I'm not. Nothing, again, nothing about VT tourism impacts my career or living....notice how I mentioned third order effects already in my initial comment.

I already thought about that before I responded to your comment and then you went back and edited yours. So congrats I guess? Again, tourism doesn't impact my life. I've thought about it.