Eagle_Arm t1_j20yqz3 wrote
Reply to comment by Meow_Meow_4_Life in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
If you want it to be enforced, post it. You can have notes on the sign that people can ask permission. They then contact you.
If you're just doing rules, I'm no lawyer, but opening yourself up to potential lawsuits if they injure themselves.
Eagle_Arm t1_j1usbie wrote
Reply to comment by YOurAreWr0ng in Winter Crocks by ExpressionFamiliar98
So I'll assume you just live in a trailer if you think only trailer trash wears those. I'm sure you might find some self-confidence to not be worried about what other people's opinions are
Eagle_Arm t1_j1uqu52 wrote
Reply to comment by YOurAreWr0ng in Winter Crocks by ExpressionFamiliar98
What's that? Not wear a comfortable piece of footwear that has multiple uses and you can easily slide in and off?
It's fine if not confident enough to wear clothes without the fear of judgement from others.
Worrying about what other people think of your shoes and clothes generally goes away when grow up.
That's the main reason they exist. The wearers don't give a fuck about what they look like.
Eagle_Arm t1_j1t1gns wrote
Reply to comment by Vermontess in Winter Crocks by ExpressionFamiliar98
Almost? This is not horseshoes or hand grenades.
Eagle_Arm t1_j1s0032 wrote
Reply to comment by YOurAreWr0ng in Winter Crocks by ExpressionFamiliar98
Cause they're good, work, and are cheap. Give ur balls a tug
Eagle_Arm t1_j1qx4u4 wrote
Reply to Winter Crocks by ExpressionFamiliar98
Can't be that bad out, haven't put them in 4WD yet.
Eagle_Arm t1_j1irsi0 wrote
Reply to comment by Willman3755 in I've got a battery on wheels with an inverter and brand new snow tires. If anyone is still without power within 70 miles of Burlington, doesn't have a working back-up generator, and desperately needs their furnace powered up let me know. Merry Christmas. by Willman3755
Eagle_Arm t1_j1ekcog wrote
So they recorded the calls, but you didn't? If you have the files, post the files.
This seems a bit off.
Eagle_Arm t1_j1dyf7v wrote
Reply to comment by somewhere_in_VT in Snow is his favorite flavor ❤️ by deviblue
That dude is 10-ply
Eagle_Arm t1_j1djvvn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Oh, dogs. Sure, I like dags. by bluepied
Is that the title of your autobiography?
Eagle_Arm t1_j1djmsl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ok, I’ll jump on the dog train. Here’s Birdie who found a nice croissant buried in a snow bank. What a nose. by slow-poke-rodriguez
Why are you bullying this Dog owner?
Eagle_Arm t1_j10fj0m wrote
Reply to comment by Realistic_Law1226 in Dear person who dislikes dogs by totallymike
People using animals as emotion support slaves need to seek actual help.
Eagle_Arm t1_j0vvay1 wrote
Reply to comment by Khanover7 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Using the word psychotic would be pretty spot on if saying they aren't in touch with reality, which is what they are doing. It fits that definition pretty well. Or likely, the most likely in fact, it is hyperbole, which a normal person would read it as.
Could go deeper if wanted and call it an attachment disorder. Which would bring it back to a mental disorder, not psychotic, but a form of a mental illness.
Eagle_Arm t1_j0vntu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Khanover7 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
Dude, way to edit your comment, change what it actually said, and not mark how it was changed.
Was there some reflecting on how shitty the comment was after I copy/pasted it in a reply to it?
Eagle_Arm t1_j0vl25z wrote
Reply to comment by Khanover7 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
You just highlighted the complete lack of anything in your life if this is what you have time to reply to. I pity your sorry life that you want to police how people interact or talk about their complaints. Carry on sad little person.
Eagle_Arm t1_j0vjql2 wrote
Reply to "Dogspam" by pv_punisher
As someone adding to the dog spam, growing up with dogs, but not currently owning one, I completely agree with you. They are dogs, just a pet, nothing more. If someone wants a kid or baby, either make one, foster, or adopt one. There are plenty of kids out there looking for a home and adopting would be better for society as a whole than another doggo.
But really, of the owner isn't a dick and doesn't impact others, feel free to have dogs too.
Eagle_Arm t1_j0s9uve wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Commenter-X in The 10 states where $1 million in retirement savings will run out the fastest—Hawaii is No. 1 (VT is 10) by DaddyBobMN
So you work 'with' stock brokers? But you're not a stock broker, so easier to say you know other people successful with money, but you aren't yourself?
So they took the money they had and knew how to reallocate their investments into more money? Not something the average person is doing now is it? So you're saying they did their job....to make more money? Fascinating!
Continue to make generalized statements about doing solar and having it solve all your problems or getting a cell phone for $20 a month......ya ok....it's me out of touch. Who knew forecasting about actual realities and how life is still expensive after retiring is a crazy idea? Maybe people shouldn't save money for the years when they can't really work! Have you heard about the grasshopper and the ant?
Eagle_Arm t1_j0r4kp3 wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Commenter-X in The 10 states where $1 million in retirement savings will run out the fastest—Hawaii is No. 1 (VT is 10) by DaddyBobMN
Aww yes, the retirement to dream of.
Don't do anything. Don't do house upkeep, repairs, or replace old equipment.
Especially don't have hobbies. Just sit in your home and die.
Eagle_Arm t1_j0pupx0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The 10 states where $1 million in retirement savings will run out the fastest—Hawaii is No. 1 (VT is 10) by DaddyBobMN
People who budget, have enough income, and are saving for retirement. A lot of estimates say 15-20% savings.
Eagle_Arm t1_izx7ls9 wrote
Reply to comment by JanglesMontgomery in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
Not even close to the same level of development then compared to now.
Let's just look at Vermont. What cities does the interstate run through or are they outside cities?
So want to smack a train station in Burlington...point anywhere on a map where a station could be build and then where any lines could run.
Eagle_Arm t1_izwqreh wrote
Reply to comment by JanglesMontgomery in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
In the hypothetical, they said it was reality.
Government is there to not make a profit, but to break even or take a slight loss. I don't see how the train system is anything but a major loss or how it's even possible with private property. How much imminent domain will have to be claimed for this to occur?
Eagle_Arm t1_izua5ti wrote
Reply to comment by headgasketidiot in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
You're shitting on them for speaking reality to your comment, when you said your comment was reality and not fantasy?
So they spoke reality to what you said was reality. They didn't respond with fantasy to what was a supposed reality comment. I'm not sure where the disconnect is.
Eagle_Arm t1_izbmiqy wrote
Reply to comment by NoMidnight5366 in A Sports Betting Proposal Heads to the Vermont Legislature by BudsKind802
Woah woah woah, why can't I bet it all on the Pats winning the Super Bowl and then have the state bail me out? That sounds like I can't lose!
Eagle_Arm t1_izauysr wrote
Reply to comment by Playingwithmyrod in A Sports Betting Proposal Heads to the Vermont Legislature by BudsKind802
Oh, don't get me wrong, if betting came to VT, I'd probably throw some money into it every now and then. I also buy a powerball ticket with it's a billion dollars, but with a bet, I also don't expect to see that money. It's just petty cash that if win/lose, it doesn't matter.
The issue I see with betting is the people who will keep it in business, the same asottery tickets. The, "I just haven't caught the break yet" folks.
I'd like to see sports betting in VT, but I also see it as something that isn't "good".
Eagle_Arm t1_j210owq wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Balancing trespassers with being neighborly by c_l_who
But I live here now....why don't you accept me as if I was your old neighbor!?
I don't think people realize it's years or decades of trust being built between people that allowed that to occur.
Someone hunted this year on some land I have. They asked permission even though I have known them since I was a kid. The common courtesy thing to do. When year was over, they gave me a gift card for groceries.
Nothing crazy expensive and wouldn't be enough to fill a basket of groceries, but it wasn't expected or implied. More of a, "you fucker, you didn't have to do that." They also did the gift card trick because if it was money, it's easier to deny money even though it's exactly the same.
People expect all the benefits of a lifelong neighbor on move-in without building the relationship.