
Early_Platypus_8855 t1_j6ooe43 wrote

The longer that both Weinstein and Lamb stay in the race, the better chance of an Innamorato win. I can live with either Weinstein or Lamb, but I think that Innamorato would be disastrous. The machine/traditional/moderate Democrats need to figure out who their boy is, and right quick, or else they'll be handing Innamorato a plurality.


Early_Platypus_8855 t1_j1q1cuf wrote

I had a peek at your post history as I was curious as to where youre from - and it looks like NYC..
This is going to sound incredibly harsh, but maybe you need to hear it.. as of 2 months ago, you posted that your partner hasnt seen ANY of his friends since March 2020. Thats 2.5 YEARS.. meanwhile, you somehow feel safe enough to travel and to plan a wedding, but you would rather eat outside during one of the coldest cold snaps in decades because youre afraid of eating indoors because of fear of Covid...
This is NOT healthy - the damage that Covid has done to your and/or your partner's mental health is far worse than any perceived danger from indoor dining. My God... if youre scared, go at on off-peak hour and find a table off to the side... but to be SO scared that you would rather sit outside in THIS weather?! I strongly urge you and/or your partner to immediately seek out mental health treatment - because this irrational fear is not a healthy way to live.


Early_Platypus_8855 t1_ixyqmeg wrote

If its going to take the City 2-3 days to get to you anyway to plow you out, how are they going to be there to cite you for anything if you snowblow your own street? And if Pgh Police cant solve half of the murders in the city, do you really think theyre going to waste any resources chasing down the crime of snowblowing in public? Hell, they wouldnt care even if you were 'snowblowing' lines of cocaine.