Echos_myron123 t1_je4d11r wrote
Oh heavens me oh my, a marijuana lounge in our fair city?! I do declare.
Echos_myron123 t1_jdwtdq0 wrote
Reply to comment by felsonj in How is the homeless situation in Newark train station made possible? by [deleted]
I don't see how homeless people threaten Penn Station being a train station. They aren't sitting on the tracks.
Echos_myron123 t1_jdvv0pd wrote
Being homeless in a public place is not a crime. Rounding up the homeless in Penn Station would be a severe violation of their civil rights. Just because you feel uncomfortable when you see homeless people, it doesn't give the police the right to forcibly remove them.
Echos_myron123 OP t1_jch3oah wrote
Reply to comment by hufflepufffpufffpass in So the Daily Show made fun of Newark for the sister city thing. . . by Echos_myron123
A ton of media outlets have reported on it now. Fox News was far from the first and they are just using this scandal as a way to bash a majority black city, which is why nobody is taking them seriously.
Echos_myron123 OP t1_jcfpgxi wrote
Reply to comment by EsseXploreR in So the Daily Show made fun of Newark for the sister city thing. . . by Echos_myron123
I actually thought it was kind of funny.
Echos_myron123 OP t1_jcfpdtj wrote
Reply to comment by 1Pichi in So the Daily Show made fun of Newark for the sister city thing. . . by Echos_myron123
The only thing more embarassing that signing a sister city agreement with a fake country is openly admitting that you watch Fox News.
Echos_myron123 t1_jbxc9u2 wrote
Reply to This is what Mayor Baraka thinks of pre-1967 Newark History!! City said Columbus statue it took down was in storage. It’s outside, in a vacant lot, on the ground. by Newarkguy1836
Cry some more about your shitty statue baby.
Echos_myron123 t1_jbpnb5t wrote
It's from 2011 but the graphic design looks extremely 90s.
Echos_myron123 t1_jbo5hhy wrote
Reply to comment by Newarkguy1836 in Harriet Tubman 1 by Ironboundian
I don't like a monument therefore civilization is receding. Come on.
Echos_myron123 t1_jbb88k4 wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Does Google not work in Newark? "If a major NJ newspaper had a reporter dedicated to covering government in this state’s largest city—especially one who knows how to use Google—perhaps news outlets from halfway across the world wouldn’t have had the story (re: Newark's sister city accident) first" by madsheb
It's still really bizarre that the city was tricked by a sex cult.
Echos_myron123 t1_jba8rs7 wrote
This is an unbelievably bafoonish op-ed.
Echos_myron123 t1_jaqwehh wrote
Reply to City of Newark Accidentally Signed Agreement With Fugitive Godman Nithyananda's 'Kailasa' by madsheb
Still don't understand how this happened. Five minutes of Googling would show that it's not a real city.
Echos_myron123 t1_j9hfw4k wrote
Reply to comment by Nwk_NJ in Activist in Newark, NJ: We must end the 'ban on Black history' by madsheb
There might not be a literal ban but watering down a black history course to the point that some of the most important black intellectuals in U.S. history have been removed from the syllabus because they offend the sensibilities of reactionary dipshits like Ron DeSantis is the main point, not whether the word "ban" is being used correctly.
Echos_myron123 t1_j9hf331 wrote
What is the best 7/11 in Newark with the coolest vibes?
Echos_myron123 t1_j9hexn6 wrote
Reply to Weekend Vacation by SpiritualAccount
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people take trains into NYC every day. Yes, they are safe.
Echos_myron123 t1_j9etnu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Nwk_NJ in Activist in Newark, NJ: We must end the 'ban on Black history' by madsheb
There isn't an outright ban, but how do you explain the College Board removing so many important black intellectuals from their AP class?
Echos_myron123 t1_j7pften wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in Students tell of Black-brown tensions at Newark school ahead of town hall meeting by madsheb
There are Spanish and Irish heritage organizations in the U.S. Do schools not celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month? Who do you think hosts the St. Patricks parade down Halsey Street evey year? Black student unions exist on campuses because black students have historically been discriminated against in places of education so they needed to organize to fight for their interests.
Echos_myron123 t1_j7p32v2 wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in Students tell of Black-brown tensions at Newark school ahead of town hall meeting by madsheb
Black students unions fight back against racism. Other groups formed around race are just racist. You can't just say any group that has to do with race is bad without making that distinction.
Echos_myron123 t1_j7nfway wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in Students tell of Black-brown tensions at Newark school ahead of town hall meeting by madsheb
You think telling the black student union they can no longer meet on school grounds will fix racial tensions? You crazy dude.
Echos_myron123 t1_j7ffpvj wrote
Reply to comment by Sumo_Cerebro in Newark is transforming more shipping containers into homes for homeless people by madsheb
Those people still deserve homes.
Echos_myron123 t1_j7b145q wrote
Housing is a human right and people deserve homes period. If a shipping container provides people with temporary relief, good. But it's not a real solution to the crisis we face.
Echos_myron123 t1_j5wspzo wrote
I don't see why they need to wait for restaurants to open to keep Gateway open later. It's a safe path for crossing the McCarter Highway.
Echos_myron123 t1_j5r5r3l wrote
Reply to comment by Chelseafc5505 in Newark’s Gateway Junction Now Open as Restaurant Rollout Continues | Jersey Digs by 66nexus
In regard to both architecture and food, you will be very disappointed.
Echos_myron123 t1_j5p7w42 wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in Newark Gets $1.2M Grant to Plant More Sidewalk Trees by madsheb
It costs money to dig up part of a sidewalk and plant a tree. There is a lot of labor involved.
Echos_myron123 t1_jeaj8eh wrote
Reply to World's Largest Indoor Vertical Farm: world record in Newark, New Jersey by madsheb
I'm a little afraid of heights which is why I prefer my farms to be horizontal thank you very much.