Echos_myron123 t1_iyquosd wrote
Reply to comment by Atuk-77 in 55 Union St - lights by effort268
What are you talking about? There haven't been factories in the Ironbound for decades and no, deindustrialization did not lead to better wages in other industries for the majority of the working class.
Echos_myron123 t1_iy30ww6 wrote
Reply to 7-11, Market and Halsey by charlesdv10
It's so beautiful
Echos_myron123 t1_ixuol42 wrote
Reply to comment by Kingsizebed in Renters At Newark Apartments See Hikes Despite Freeze: Report by madsheb
Our rent freeze is decided by the mayor not the president you absolute moron.
Echos_myron123 t1_ixs4mz9 wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in Renters At Newark Apartments See Hikes Despite Freeze: Report by madsheb
Landlord's are claiming this article is lying.
Echos_myron123 t1_ixotyeu wrote
It's very dangerous here. My grandmother lives in Newark and she slipped on orange juice that someone spilled in the Shoprite.
Echos_myron123 t1_ixf1rk9 wrote
Reply to comment by manurup in N.J. town still has a rent freeze. Why are tenants getting hit with rent hikes? by sutisuc
High inflation is the perfect time for a rent freeze that will protect tenants.
Echos_myron123 t1_ixb6s9j wrote
Reply to comment by nick_nuz in N.J. town still has a rent freeze. Why are tenants getting hit with rent hikes? by sutisuc
The landlords and developers have arrived to respond.
Echos_myron123 t1_ix8vw5k wrote
These landlords are the absolute scum of the earth and the city won't do much because all of their campaigns from the mayor down are funded by the same landlords they are supposed to be regulating.
Echos_myron123 t1_iw54vfv wrote
There aren't enough Dunkin Donuts.
Echos_myron123 t1_iw54o3u wrote
Dinosaurs are extinct so you might have some difficulty finding a butcher who sells their ribs.
Echos_myron123 OP t1_iw0xf2a wrote
Reply to comment by naglephoto in Should the old Paramount Theater become a 7/11? by Echos_myron123
Yes, but people deserve options.
Echos_myron123 t1_iw0ved7 wrote
Reply to comment by Nwk_NJ in 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark
Ok Karen.
Echos_myron123 t1_ivyql0e wrote
Reply to comment by Nwk_NJ in 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark
Conservative racism and hatred of the poor has to be the most boring frontier of modern "thought."
Echos_myron123 t1_ivydsqc wrote
Walk into any mom and pop bagel shop in small town NJ and it will be many times better than Zaro's. Let's get a real bagel place to replace these shitty train station bagels.
Echos_myron123 t1_ivydicx wrote
Reply to comment by Nwk_NJ in 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark
I see a lot of black folks hanging out on that corner so I'm wondering what you mean by "wrong element."
Echos_myron123 t1_ivxpcqe wrote
Reply to 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark
The patrons of this 7/11 are largely poor people. In Silva's eyes the "wrong" kind of people, which is why he is so happy it's closing. Don't get me wrong. I don't love 7/11 but this is clearly an attempt to get poor people to stop hanging out on that corner. Not everything needs to be a cocktail lounge. Poor people need a place to buy things too.
Echos_myron123 t1_ivsnfsl wrote
Reply to EBT scam at ShopRite? by au79_79
Don't be a rat bro. She's just a poor person who needs diapers.
Echos_myron123 t1_iuvyh9p wrote
Reply to comment by DrixxYBoat in 7-Eleven is selling 3 Newark Stores (790 Broad St, 131 Market St, 2 Ferry St) by DrixxYBoat
Lol at 7/11, a store that sells heat lamp hot dogs and diabetes in a giant cup, being a "powerhouse company."
Echos_myron123 t1_iufoqpx wrote
Reply to I might be a jerk sometimes but at least I don't hold up traffic for a shitty impromptu parade for diet Trump by eastaleph
Thank god Bolsonaro lost. May all these stupid assholes now drive their trucks into the Passaic River.
Echos_myron123 t1_iuf1e6l wrote
Reply to comment by Ironboundian in I might be a jerk sometimes but at least I don't hold up traffic for a shitty impromptu parade for diet Trump by eastaleph
And I would feel bad for Brazilians if those Americans decided to have a Trump caravan in the middle of their city.
Echos_myron123 t1_iubinp0 wrote
Reply to I might be a jerk sometimes but at least I don't hold up traffic for a shitty impromptu parade for diet Trump by eastaleph
Unfortunately these fascists are all over the Ironbound. A real blight on an otherwise great neighborhood. And Bolsonaro is worse than Trump and may actually be able to pull of a coup if he loses.
Echos_myron123 t1_iu6c076 wrote
Reply to The broken window at Zaro’s is still boarded up, but covered with a tarp that sort of matches the rest of the storefront. by LateNightNewYork
You misunderstand. The broken window is a conceptual piece of art meant to represent the broken nature of our democracy.
Echos_myron123 t1_itnwxn5 wrote
Reply to comment by genius96 in Baraka: Newark to crack down on smoke shops (illegally) distributing cannabis by madsheb
Echos_myron123 t1_itngp4n wrote
Can we stop calling him the "Hip Hop Councilman" in every headline? He is just a councilman now.
Echos_myron123 t1_iz1sga4 wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in Mad for chicken soft open menu by gutterpuddles
Damn, people really dislike vegetarians in this subreddit.