EcoAffinity t1_itzox81 wrote
Reply to comment by GinWithJennifer in where to go to register to vote and to vote by GinWithJennifer
Yes, you can do that!
EcoAffinity t1_itzoga6 wrote
Reply to comment by MacAttack2015 in where to go to register to vote and to vote by GinWithJennifer
Did your license expire after the November 2020 election? Then you can use it to vote!
The Missouri Voter ID website states: "*If the driver or non-driver license has expired after the most recent general election, it is an acceptable form of voter ID."
The most recent general election in Missouri was November 2020, so if the license expired between them and now, you can use it to vote.
I even emailed the Secretary of State voter line ( to confirm. Their response:
"Yes. If the id has expired after the Nov. 2020 election, it can be used as photo id for this Nov. election."
EcoAffinity t1_itw3ulk wrote
Reply to looking for some furniture by thelonleymeerkat
Check with the Habitat Restore on Scenic (you can also see some of their daily offerings on Facebook).
EcoAffinity t1_itw2w2y wrote
Reply to comment by dhrisc in where to go to register to vote and to vote by GinWithJennifer
The great thing about our country is every single person who maintains their civil rights has the ability to vote, whether they understand the process or not. There is no education or participation requirement to exercise our rights, but, given the widespread misinformation and illegal statements concerning voter integrity in this country in the last 6 years, it's understandable that some may feel hesitant about their rights.
EcoAffinity t1_itw1x7t wrote
Reply to comment by LadyBaconHands in where to go to register to vote and to vote by GinWithJennifer
You don't need an ID with an updated address. Just a non-expired ID, and know what address you are registered for. I've voted for 6 years, legally, with an old address on my ID, but I updated it in the voter registration files. When they scan my ID, they confirm what address I am registered at.
I want to amend this that you can vote with an expired Missouri ID if it expired after November 2020.
EcoAffinity t1_itw13aj wrote
Reply to comment by GinWithJennifer in where to go to register to vote and to vote by GinWithJennifer
So you're registered to vote in Greene County, which means you have a few more options to vote that doesn't require making it out to Ash Grove, but you can vote on the Ash Grove Ballot.
Starting yesterday, October 25, every Greene County registered voter can vote early in-person (with NO excuse required) at the Greene County Elections Center (1126 N Booneville Ave, Springfield). You will need a non-expired photo ID (MO drivers license or other Missouri-issued ID, US passport, etc). You can vote at this place Mon thru Fri, 8 AM to 5 PM. Also, Saturday, November 5th at same location from 9 AM to 4 PM. Up until the day before the November 8 election.
In addition, Greene County has 5 central polling locations designed for any Greene County registered voter to vote at on Election Day
Missouri State Davis-Harrington Welcome Center 1148 E Bear Blvd, Springfield, MO 65807
Mercy Hospital 1235 E Cherokee St, Springfield, MO 65804
City Utilities Transit Center 211 N Main Ave, Springfield, MO 65806
CoxHealth Medical Center South 3801 S National Ave, Springfield, MO 65807
Edit to add: You CAN vote with an expired ID! If it expired after November 2020. The law states a license that expired after the last general election is an acceptable form of valid ID.
EcoAffinity t1_ittyqsy wrote
Have you never registered to vote before? If you have registered but moved or something, you can still vote. You can register to vote online, but the deadline for this election has passed. I would still suggest doing so now so you're able to next election!
EcoAffinity t1_iteih9c wrote
Reply to Chinese/Japanese restaurants to avoid? by Ticklism
Ichiban has good reviews on Google, and is always recommended on FB as a good Asian buffet. I went once during dinner time on Saturday, it was busy. They were replacing food often.
Every single thing from the buffet was the worst version of the dish I'd ever had. Even the rice was god awful bitter, crunchy, and oily. My stomach felt exceptionally bad that night/next morning. The few other people I ate with (all our first time there) agreed about the food. That place is always busy and I am so confused on why.
I tried Lucy's on Campbell once with my family. Everything was extremely salty. I like my salt/msg/Chinese food, but this was bad. Hopefully it was a one off because everyone seems to love Lucy's, but there's other Chinese places in Springfield that I've not had a negative experience at, so I don't need to try it again.
EcoAffinity t1_iszk2vv wrote
Reply to comment by ZeProdigy23 in Bass Pro's Red Wave by Pretending2beme
Thanks! I actually haven't been in the area after hours, so I didn't know if it was like where the sign becomes the brightest thing at night and becomes a hazard. There's a billboard on Chestnut that is obnoxiously bright when it has certain images on it.
EcoAffinity t1_iszjp7f wrote
Reply to comment by slumdogPennyPincher in Bass Pro's Red Wave by Pretending2beme
No problem! Glad I could make your day, buddy 😃
EcoAffinity t1_isz4ofb wrote
Reply to comment by ZeProdigy23 in Bass Pro's Red Wave by Pretending2beme
Do you know if they turn off the screen at all, or has a downward projection to minimize light pollution?
EcoAffinity t1_isxs0co wrote
Reply to comment by ZeProdigy23 in Bass Pro's Red Wave by Pretending2beme
Why even have it though? It does look tacky. I mean, the giant screen itself is tacky, but at least do something about Bass Pro or upcoming events etc.
EcoAffinity t1_isxerzc wrote
Reply to comment by slumdogPennyPincher in Bass Pro's Red Wave by Pretending2beme
A digital bastardization of a waving flag means nothing and is stupid. If you want to wave the Stars and Stripes, do it with a real flag.
Oh ho ho, you thought you really did something there.
EcoAffinity t1_ist5bq7 wrote
Reply to Question 1 by davidrothchild69
Based on the comments here, this doesn't seem to be an issue, but I wanted to bring it up anyway for anyone perusing. A lot of the rhetoric for the "Yes" side is ballooning this issue into more of a decision that would affect City-wide development. THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
Question 1 is only in regards to the proposed zoning change IN GALLOWAY to allow an apartment to be built across from Sequiota. Unfortunately, high up leaders in our community are making ridiculous and outright wrong statements while urging Yes on this. To help shed some light on these claims, the following is copied directly from a Facebook post authored by Mark O'Brien (semi-retired journalist and contributes to the Springfield Daily Citizen)
> I am disappointed, to put it very mildly, by how some local leaders are stooping to political rhetoric that is based on misleading claims and fear-mongering – and that insults the intelligence and integrity of Springfield voters.
>I refer to public statements and a video that urge Yes votes to Question 1 on Nov. 8. Here’s how the question reads on the ballot:
>“Shall the City of Springfield amend the Springfield Land Development Code, Section 36-3-6, ‘Official zoning map and rules for interpretation,’ by rezoning 4.2 acres of property, generally located at 3503, 3521, 3527, and 3535 South Lone Pine Avenue from R-SF, Single-Family Residential, GR, General Retail, and LB, Limited Business District to Planned Development No. 374; and adopt an updates Official Zoning Map?”
>Translation in plain English: “Should developers be permitted to build an apartment complex across the street from Sequiota Park in the Galloway neighborhood?”
>Full disclosure: Because I have lived more than 60 years in the quiet University Heights neighborhood that presently is being brutally threatened by a commercial developer, I am in sympathy with Galloway neighbors who oppose the apartments. However, that’s not my intended point here.
>What’s going on with Question 1 is properly called a referendum. It’s a mechanism set forth in the city charter that provides citizens an opportunity to overrule a City Council decision.
>The issue on the upcoming ballot is specific to the Galloway proposal. So some of the generalized propaganda that is being spewed is – again, to put it mildly – nonsense.
>For instance:
>Hal Higdon, chancellor of Ozarks Technical Community College, claims that a No vote on Question 1 will mean that “Springfield is closed for business.” He says the Galloway referendum is “a very, very dangerous precedent we’re setting in our city. If you’re looking at economic development, if this thing is successful, it’s going to set the city back decades.”
>Clif Smart, president of Missouri State University, says the real question is: “Are we going to be a pro-growth community or not?” He joins Higdon in condemning the referendum process altogether with this blatant exaggeration: “If in fact the community, as a whole, is going to have to vote to approve development projects, the result of that is we’re not going to have any or we’re going to have very few.”
>To me it’s bizarre that these two distinguished and admired educational leaders are, in effect, saying that Springfieldians are too stupid to intelligently render decisions on a case-by-case basis based on fact and merit when extraordinary situations arise. They seem to assume that we would automatically reject any and all future development proposals.
>Both these guys must know that Question 1 doesn’t open the door to referendums becoming a routine procedure; the option has been in the charter for more than 40 years, and has been rarely exercised.
>The requirements for challenging a City Council action in a public vote are dauntingly difficult. Yet the prospect scares the bejeezus out of some developers and other Chamber of Commerce types – and the politicians they financially support. They ultimately want, and probably already are secretly plotting, to erase the referendum option from the city’s charter.
>So it’s not surprising that Mayor Ken McClure, a couple of Chamber stalwarts and some who are involved in development sat before a video camera to also speak out in favor of Question 1.
>But their allegations that your Yes vote will “ensure that our community continues to add high-paying jobs,” promises a “steady increase of reasonably-priced homes,” and guarantees that teachers and first-responders will be well-paid, etc.? Really? C’mon…
>We have become dangerously accustomed to outrageous statements – even outright lies – made by politicians in national and statewide campaigns. I am dismayed to see such tactics creep into in our local contests, which happened in this past spring’s R-12 Board of Education election.
>I hope this push for Yes votes on Question 1 isn’t a harbinger of crapola to come in next spring’s voting for the mayor’s post and seats on City Council and the school board.
>In the meantime, cast your Question 1 vote based on the Galloway situation alone, not on overwrought gloom-and-doom projections for the entire future of Springfield.
>It’s what the referendum process expects and what our community deserves.
EcoAffinity t1_isq4e2x wrote
Reply to Accurate by bottlefish
I rocked with my heat set to 65 all last winter, and BAH GAWD, I'm sticking with it
EcoAffinity t1_ispodtm wrote
Reply to Car wash poll by throwawayyyycuk
I am lazy and like having unlimited car wash clubs. Of the mass trinity (banks, churches, car washes), I'll take car wash.
EcoAffinity t1_isl121x wrote
Reply to comment by GundleFly in Anybody know anything about the gunshots on the North side of town around 1am this morning? by MrHChase
EcoAffinity t1_isb9d5x wrote
Reply to comment by cannabissmammabis in Kid in Lindburgs? by aux_arcs-en-ciel
Thanks! I knew it was in-house beer ketchup. There are a few in my family who are very pro Big Ketchup and refuse to go if there isn't normal ketchup. I'll just be That Person and bring my own so we can enjoy the best burgers again.
EcoAffinity t1_is7oydh wrote
Reply to Flu Vaccine by ExpertAd7310
I've called my doctor's office and they said they do walk-ins but scheduled me for a 15 minute slot 20 minutes after I called. Mercy pcp
EcoAffinity t1_is7og8m wrote
Reply to Kid in Lindburgs? by aux_arcs-en-ciel
To not make another Lindberg's post, does anyone know if they have regular commercial ketchup? Their food is amazing but that ketchup is atrocious to my taste and I forgot to ask last time I was there.
EcoAffinity t1_irt19xs wrote
Reply to Vision appointment recommendation by daphsingsalot
Jordan Valley Community Health Centers offer vision services. I believe for other medical services, they do income-based sliding scale. May be the same for vision.
EcoAffinity t1_ire6h8g wrote
Reply to comment by bubble_blue21 in Best place to host a 3 year old boys birthday? by [deleted]
They do it for themselves
EcoAffinity t1_iqoqcx9 wrote
Reply to comment by CraziestPenguin in Cue that old Ron Paul Meme, ITS HAPPENING! by Ozarkian_Tritip
See, nothing tops In N Out for me. Fresh burgers with crisp, fresh toppings. Exactly what I want a burger to be. And I love the fries for their simplicity. But I know the fries are the weakest spot for majority others.
EcoAffinity t1_iqokkse wrote
Reply to comment by tc65681 in Cue that old Ron Paul Meme, ITS HAPPENING! by Ozarkian_Tritip
Yeah, greasy and nothing too special was my thoughts the few times I've had it. I'd take Culver's or Braum's of the local fast food available.
EcoAffinity t1_itzt1c8 wrote
Reply to Wingapalooza ‘22 Tickets by JSumms96
Wingapalooza is fine. It is very busy with lots of lines, but the money goes to a good cause, and it's an experience that isn't the worst. I went a couple years before COVID, and had probably 20-25 wings.