If you’re living in the bay, that is objectively not good money, at all. Find a roommate or heck see if you can move home or move to some cheap bumblefuck location and work remote. Find a better paying job, do a side gig, figure out what you’re spending money on and cut everything that isn’t absolutely essential. You’re going to have to throw every penny you make at this for a long while before you can pay it all down. And stop living above your means or else this problem will pop up again quickly in the future no matter how many times you pay things off.
Economist_101 t1_iybcslq wrote
Reply to Help! Drowning in debt. by nah_just_ocd
If you’re living in the bay, that is objectively not good money, at all. Find a roommate or heck see if you can move home or move to some cheap bumblefuck location and work remote. Find a better paying job, do a side gig, figure out what you’re spending money on and cut everything that isn’t absolutely essential. You’re going to have to throw every penny you make at this for a long while before you can pay it all down. And stop living above your means or else this problem will pop up again quickly in the future no matter how many times you pay things off.