Economy_Influence_92 t1_je07l5q wrote
Reply to comment by notababyimatumor in What’s this symbol? Seen on cmc hospital in a more discreet area by notababyimatumor
I saw the double exclamation points and said to my self, this I must read.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_jdfaowk wrote
Reply to comment by AlexTheTolerable in Possibly the most nh article ever made. by captainjackass28
Crap… we should clean that up…
Economy_Influence_92 t1_jdd2rao wrote
Reply to Recommendations: Need to replace ancient single pane windows in home built in 1949 by Baremegigjen
Hopeful someone can answer your actual question...
Economy_Influence_92 t1_jd5ga6y wrote
Reply to In honor of ice cream places opening soon do you call them “Jimmies” or “Sprinkles”? by IamMikey1
Ill take a Sprinkle of Jimmy's please.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_jclfscd wrote
Melting all the snow in your yard?
Economy_Influence_92 t1_jc3fhud wrote
All depends on what is comfortable to you... what's your rent?
40k quickly becomes 25k after taxes, healthcare, 401k's, bills, rent, car payments.....
If your rent is high it can make it tough... Taking home 15-20k after all that leaves you with about 350-400 a week. Just taking a stab at the numbers.... and I may be off depending on your situation.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j9y6fwd wrote
Reply to North Woodstock: Ice Castles by ThrowRA_thetrash
Pull into the lot and see if you can get a ticket. If not, the parking area still gives you a good perspective of them..
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j3xzx1k wrote
Reply to comment by kahllerdady in Best bars in Manchester? by AlexTheTolerable
Yup. I still call it Millys.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j3tthii wrote
Reply to Best bars in Manchester? by AlexTheTolerable
Don’t hate. But my bar hangout is Stark Tavern. Upscale dive bar. Decent food. Mostly bad beer. Stick to the Oatmeal Stout. It’s killer. Great bar food!
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j2yrxyy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
How does one stand behind a climate change article, but yet deny 30 years of “bullshit” climate stories? Honestly just curious.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j2o10jy wrote
Reply to comment by Lumpyyyyy in It's so warm right now the sugar is flowing in Temple by musicals4life
Everyone's head is in the sand.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_j2nyx71 wrote
Reply to Fox on The Run by Coolhuman1505_
Pigeons were eating next to the river in Manchester.. be aware!!!
Economy_Influence_92 t1_izzny4z wrote
Reply to comment by FlawedCilantro in Best breweries in the Manchester area? by AlexTheTolerable
Yes. Stark isn’t the cleanest…. Good food. Not so great beer
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iykmmqo wrote
Reply to comment by ZeBrownRanger in Airport and relocation questions by ZeBrownRanger
Goffstown is great! Great community as well. There’s a rail trail and a couple Mountains that make for easy hiking.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_ixe3cb7 wrote
Looks like an episode of Dallas
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iww1l0h wrote
Reply to comment by AleckstheGrate in Is there snow on the ground in North Conway? by AleckstheGrate
Google : North Conway web cam.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iww01b2 wrote
Technically Yes. The roads are bare however, so you should be ok if you take actual roads to N.Conway. There are web cams you can view prior to your departure.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iwqo92i wrote
Reply to comment by RenoSinNombre in Why 95 exit changes? by MadLove1348
NH is like F. U. we like our numbers just fine.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iwdekxq wrote
Reply to comment by beentheredonethatlou in I’m looking for a place that would feel like a “tropical getaway” during January for a girls day trip in either New Hampshire, MA or southern Maine. I’ve already considered an indoor water park but I’m curious and open to any suggestions! by [deleted]
Me personally, I would stay far away from the waterparks, unless you want to be surrounded by other peoples well behaved kids.
My wife and I typically find some nice hotels close to good shopping. We'll get away once or twice over winter. We are currently booked to stay in N. Conway NH, and plan to shop at the outlets. We also are planning to stay at the Boston Harborside Hotel. Apparently they are known for their whisky collection and we've always wanted to check it out.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iwdbk1v wrote
Reply to I’m looking for a place that would feel like a “tropical getaway” during January for a girls day trip in either New Hampshire, MA or southern Maine. I’ve already considered an indoor water park but I’m curious and open to any suggestions! by [deleted]
I can't tell if the OP is looking to entertain kids or her friends?
Economy_Influence_92 t1_ivv07a1 wrote
Reply to comment by blzac33 in Missouri legalized weed; must all backwards states legalize it before us? by BSPINNEY2666
Economy_Influence_92 t1_ivqeiy1 wrote
I' ve been burning pellets in the same pellet stove since 1998.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_ivqdg5a wrote
Don lost because his tucked in Polo shirts were way too tight...
Economy_Influence_92 t1_iupazzj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What are the good discount grocery stores in NH? by SquashDue502
You are correct. Assuming the OP relocates to the lower half of the state. The upper section isn't so fortunate. I didn't want to assume the OP was moving to a particular location.
Economy_Influence_92 t1_je60a5c wrote
Reply to Anyone interested in bill burr? by ElegantCommittee3551
Wow. Kind of a large venue for a comedy act...