
EddgeLord666 t1_ja1uhlh wrote

I don’t think the elite would be capable of taking on the entire rest of the world with any technology. That’s never been the case in all of human history, offensive power has always been distributed one way or another. Even in North Korea Kim Jong Un has to please his military to remain in power. Not to mention the 1% isn’t willing to genocide everyone else, that’s just ridiculous paranoid fearmongering.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1qufl wrote

I don’t find people being taken advantage of to be fascinating, I think that’s fucking awful. I want for that to finally end and for people to start treating each other decently, even if that decency has to be enforced by an AI or superior posthuman species.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1fsap wrote

I mean it’s their safest bet, the other alternative is we rise up and kill them like the masses did to elites in the past… If they could avert that by giving us free stuff, assuming we wouldn’t have the technology at this point to produce it ourselves, they would be wise to do so.


EddgeLord666 t1_j7livt6 wrote

Reply to comment by drekmonger in 200k!!!!!! by Key_Asparagus_919

So far we are not at the stage where the Singularity is likely to be imminent, contrary to what some people here say. That means we probably have anywhere from 1 to 3 decades for the “good” people to coordinate and plan ways for it to happen in a more beneficial way or stop it from happening at all if that is deemed more desirable. That is really what people should be using this sub for, not just idle speculation.


EddgeLord666 t1_j7lh7nj wrote

Reply to comment by drekmonger in 200k!!!!!! by Key_Asparagus_919

Well unlike most people on this sub, I think transhumanism should be prioritized over the creation of AGI. I’m more interested in AI serving us as tools or augmenting our capabilities than ruling over us. Furthermore, you absolutely could have continuity of consciousness as long as augmentation happened in a ship of Theseus way, say by gradually boosting your IQ by 20 points every year instead of all at once.


EddgeLord666 t1_j7lfihu wrote

Reply to comment by drekmonger in 200k!!!!!! by Key_Asparagus_919

I guess the “end of human civilization” doesn’t really matter to me as long as my consciousness still exists in some form. Since I already think of myself as a prospective posthuman, I don’t really perceive any more loss in that scenario than the “loss” involved in going from a child to an adult.


EddgeLord666 t1_j4gxggh wrote

For me my purpose is living as long as I can or until I get bored, suffering as little as I can manage and having as many experiences that are new and enjoyable as possible, and shaping myself into what I perceive as the most ideal version of me. All those things would be furthered by transhumanism. If you perceive your life to have a different meaning that’s ok but these are the things that motivate me.