I’m glad it’s not just me. Netflix has been the worst for this, imho. Especially going from mumbling, nearly inaudible dialogue, to blaring explosions or other sound effects, or the soundtrack kicks in and it’s for some reason 10x louder than the rest of the mix. I have to keep going up and down on the volume just to keep things manageable.
EdenH333 t1_j29hc2s wrote
Reply to Why is the sound mixing in modern TV shows so bad? by poet3322
I’m glad it’s not just me. Netflix has been the worst for this, imho. Especially going from mumbling, nearly inaudible dialogue, to blaring explosions or other sound effects, or the soundtrack kicks in and it’s for some reason 10x louder than the rest of the mix. I have to keep going up and down on the volume just to keep things manageable.