
Educational_Paint987 t1_j9g8dc1 wrote

The CEO is from NJ and she would be making three times that if she stayed at Fidelity or AT&T. Top talented people cost money for a reason.

I think you should raise the issue why the NJ government isnt teaching/financing basic first aid and cpr in classroom to kids and support staff.

Most medical professionals recertify with red cross.


Educational_Paint987 t1_j9g2yt9 wrote

If you didnt learn chest compressions in a classroom setting with a certified providers then I guarantee you wouldnt know how to do it in a real situation when it is 100x harder. They train you how to do it according to the latest medical guidelines so that when EMT shows up they can actually have a confidence that you followed instructions and oxygenated blood continued flowing to the brain.

I took the red cross trainings both in UK and US and the training staff I encountered every time has enough experience to answer any question even from medical prodessionals. I did my recertification in December 2022 in central NJ red cross and it was very well run. Red cross ask that you recertify every two years. Btw children and infant CPR is even more tricky.

Red cross does a lot of community support in times of crisis. They arent bad people. We can complain how their blood donation programs work but other than that they are needed in times of crisis.


Educational_Paint987 t1_j1so0c4 wrote

Haha its about Mafia in NJ. Greatest TV show!

Yeah Newark is gonna be a totally new experience for you but it's not actually that big. There are dodgy places and some people will defo look dodgy to you but nobody will bother you during the day. Print a map of the areas where you will be and research it online. Best ways to get and out. also, I always see cops everywhere when I am there.


Educational_Paint987 t1_j1sme1p wrote

Hmm not sure if this is a joke or an actual seems that watching the Sopranos had some effect on you.

NJ has some of the toughest gun laws in the country so nobody will great you with gun shots instead of good morning...criminals are not usually the morning type anyway.

Having said that if you google safe areas of Newark you should get some good suggestions of where to look for housing but most people would advise you find housing outside newark and just commute there (find a place close to train stations). Driving is the go to transporation mode around here.

Finally welcome to NJ! You can catch hockey games at Prudential center home of nj devils and newark has a short commute to nyc so you shouldnt get bored for a while!