
Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j3t4s32 wrote

>In 2018 and after two years of discussion, Cambridge passed a comprehensive Surveillance Technology Ordinance that at the time was one of the “most collaborative and progressive in the nation and the first of its kind on the East Coast.”

>The goal of the ordinance was to ensure city government doesn’t engage in unwarranted surveillance, said then-Councilor Craig Kelley.

>More: ACLU calls Cambridge’s new surveillance ordinance a ‘victory’

>While police cruiser dashboard cameras are exempt under the ordinance, body worn cameras are not.



Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j3s2wbx wrote


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j2e76to wrote

I love this use of the murder rate. My ~100k pop city jumped nearly 400% during 2020 and 2021 due to some drug beefs gone bad but now it’s gone from 4 murders to one in 2022.

But that stat allows us to pretend that jurisdictions like mine were the problem. Meanwhile we can fill mass graves with the hundreds upon hundreds of bodies of young black men murdered in our major cities — red or blue — and we lack a desire to do anything about it so we’re just gonna blame the orange man.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j222q38 wrote

… then why don’t they just do that? None of this requires this show. Which is really all it is… a big public display with minimal actual impact.

They could solve it tomorrow at 8am. Tell the DPW they don’t need details, tell utilities to put up road closed signs and close the block and boom… done. Suddenly there’s few if any details needed.

Then cut the police budget by a few dozen million and pink slip a bunch of cops. It’s been done before and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping them from doing that. Literally… NOTHING. That decision is 100% theirs and they can do it with no outside input. Not one thing is stopping them from laying off half the PD if that is their goal. Just to repeat it for you… nothing has delayed that option since Wu took office. There is nothing delaying it as there is a supermajority and no boogeyman to prevent this decision from occurring. It would require nothing more than the desire to do so.

They could do it now… they could have done it yesterday… but they won’t. Because that’s not actually their goal and they know that puts them in the fast lane to getting replaced next election. So they ain’t gonna do it.

So try again as to what the actual goal is.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j2219bg wrote

So I don’t get it… this is how the city chose to make the city desirable for cops, by jacking up the detail rate for easy cash for cops instead of paying what the job actually commands for pay.

So now the plan is to underpay them, give them no opportunity to make more, and understaff them and expect it to go… better?

Don’t get me wrong, if the job was forced to self-insure like Reddit wanted it to, paid 350k/yr like those who self insure themselves make, and there were no details and only OT to add extra staffing available I’d be on board.

Instead we pay them a third of that and say make it up on details and now those are going away… so what incentive does a patrolman in Boston have to stay versus going to Quincy, Cambridge, Waltham, Framingham, or any of the other well paying communities with far better relationships with their cops and far looser rules regarding residency and essentially equal pay? Seems like a no brainer… BPD could easily become the next NYPD scraping the bottom of the barrel and staffing surrounding agencies in perpetuity or it could stay a top tier agency. Seems like a no brainer to me but it seems like, in the quest to have the best cops, every action taken is to have the worst cops.

I have yet to see a real “reform” that actually makes BPD better. Everything seems like a feel good talking point and nothing makes anything objectively better in terms of service provided.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j18fqrn wrote

Yeah teaching to the test sucked and I felt like I was doing the youth a disservice… and my feelings were apparently correct!

Plus I couldn’t fathom demanding to teach through a screen and pretending I was on the right side of history.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j16n6qh wrote

No, there was no profiling involved. They made their decisions and chose their paths. He always felt for them but he still never stopped trying to show them the right way despite what their parents had taught them. He once gave a kid his own leather belt when he told the kid he’d be suspended for having sagging pants and the kid began to cry. He asked why he cried and he said he had been asking his parents for a belt for a long time but they couldn’t afford one. So my dad gave him his.

Lo and behold this kid suddenly found a role model in my father and used to show up 2 hours prior to school (when my dad showed for work) and would stay an hour late just to be a gopher and learn life lessons.

By senior year he was earning grades that were going to get him in to college. Walked across the stage wearing the same belt he was gifted 3 years prior.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j16kj6o wrote

There have probably been dozens of fights over past year leading up this involving the same group. This stabbing doesn’t happen in a vacuum and probably isn’t a surprise to anyone involved.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j16ka8m wrote

Is this common in those areas? Are they shanking the shit out of each other over there in those homogeneous relatively tiny nations with almost zero similarities to the United States?


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j16k4if wrote

Not in 2022! Now you just get asked nicely not to. And if you do it again? We will ask you sternly. A third time? We’re gonna tell your parents!!!

We had a 17 year old steal nearly 85 cars and do a couple car jackings. He did another carjacking a week after turning 18 and he’s doing a 5 year bid.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j16jrww wrote

My father (principal of nearly 15 years) said his crowning achievement was separating the shithead kids from the good kids and raising test scores by some insane amount.

Had to be done slowly and in a way that raised no eyebrows. But he did it and the good/decent/on the border kids made out huge and set all sorts of records for SATs/ACTs as well as college attendance and the shitty kids are doing whatever now. They got the same classes but they chose to do nothing and are now dealing with those repercussions of their choices