Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_iydo4qp wrote
Reply to comment by crystalchase21 in I made some pyramid shaped salt crystals by crystalchase21
Well, these will be awesome on caramel macchiato chocolate chunk cookies, that’s for sure.
Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_iy5yxua wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished-Stuff36 in [homemade] ‘Crème Brûléed Croissants’ by Accomplished-Stuff36
Oh nice, dunked!
I was thinking it was sprinkled on top and then torched/broiled but it looked too uniform.
My wife just made a batch of croissants, this would be interesting to try.
Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_iy495i4 wrote
How do you achieve the brûlée?
Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_ivtvbih wrote
Reply to comment by GentlePenetration in (OC) I made a dreamy cloud pendant. by HandyDepletion
How else would I know what a load of semen in a bottle of windex would look like?
Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_iupcg7s wrote
Reply to comment by TVLL in Nice Catch! by westondeboer
Video games
Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_j1rammp wrote
Reply to comment by Andire in A pan I got for Christmas came with a full size screwdriver for assembly of the handle! There was only one screw. by Andire
It’s the screwdriver that will ultimately always be used, even though it’s not the best one you own. Sometimes because you feel funny using a “good” screwdriver to assemble something cheap, or to open up a battery compartment real quick, or to make one little adjustment on something. Sometimes because this one was the first one you saw (likely because it’s always on top) and at the end of the day, it gets the job done, so it does every job.
It will never sit in a tool belt, but will never sit on the bench either.
Also, side note, do yourself a favor and rub the black nubs off the handle into the garbage as soon as they’re ready to go, before they decide to do it themselves and end up everywhere.