Nah fuck this, idc that this is a get motivated sub. As a (former) burnt out gifted and talented kid (im an adult now) let me say that work isnt always worth it even if you have potential. It is okay and entitely valid for anyone to just...exist. you dont judge a rose for not growing longer or being bigger even when it could be, you just delight in the knowlege that is is there, and just its existance brings beauty into your life
Electronic_Skirt_475 t1_j8jwngb wrote
Reply to [Image] Potential without work, action is useless by crm_expert
Nah fuck this, idc that this is a get motivated sub. As a (former) burnt out gifted and talented kid (im an adult now) let me say that work isnt always worth it even if you have potential. It is okay and entitely valid for anyone to just...exist. you dont judge a rose for not growing longer or being bigger even when it could be, you just delight in the knowlege that is is there, and just its existance brings beauty into your life