ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iy9u1m0 wrote
Reply to Need help with fried chicken by DOCoSPADEo
It's not straight up fried chicken, but the hot honey fried chicken at Sonny's in Dover is delicious.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iy9crym wrote
Reply to comment by mmirate in Enrollment, demogaphics, housing - they're all intertwined by GraniteGeekNH
the article breaks it down pretty simply. Less people being born here, and it's too expensive to raise kids here. Even with the influx of more affluent millenials / gen-x that can afford it, the overall number of children is going down.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iy9bujd wrote
Reply to comment by Federal-Cockroach-62 in Anyone know a company that will deliver 25 gallons heating fuel? by Foreign-Concept
no way OP is handling a 55 gallon drum of diesel.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iy7ooqb wrote
most of the storage units at my facility are tradespeople (painters, electricians, etc).
then me, walking my bicycle back to the storage unit. in an apartment because we've failed at buying a house.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_ixlu46b wrote
Reply to Any experience with lease breaking? by inhalent-abuse
I'd just talk to the landlord.
My lease has a clause that if you lose your job you can get out of the lease. If you think about it, if you need certain amount of income to get in, but now you don't have the income, how are they gonna expect you to pay.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_ixkauw7 wrote
Reply to comment by wessex464 in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
if anything, we need more of these stop signs.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_ix5eapr wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Off-Duty Vermont Deputy shot by NY Police by Dawsinian
I think it happened outside of wheatfields, but certainly they weren't actually involved. wheatfields is a nicer restaurant and definitely is not open at 3am. there's only like 5 or 6 bars open at that time iirc.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iwwyqcm wrote
Reply to Why is the State Police calling me for donations when they're definitely "better funded" than me? by chain_me_up
I think the only thing you can actually do, that will for sure work, is switch to a Google Pixel phone. The call screening is basically perfect.
I haven't gotten a scam call or text in years. Here's an article discussing it
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iwolx9g wrote
Reply to comment by OldestPresidentEver in NH statehouse election cannot get any closer by GraniteGeekNH
> which I will not
no balls
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iwg01gh wrote
Reply to comment by kells938 in PSA: Sicknesses in the coming months by SpringLover455
my source is the number of people that just come to work sick because people don't want to call off, even when they are sick. I'm guilty of it too, and yes I have plenty of sick time on the books.
it's kind of the mentality in the US.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_ivoajxt wrote
Reply to Hiking Mt. Washington in November? by TitusTesla117
the weather at pikes peak is completely different.
the auto road is closed for the season, several weeks ago.
there's a reason they say mount Washington has the worst weather on earth. I was above tree line last weekend in the Whites, the wind was absolutely insane and I had to bail out of my hike. and it was a pretty average day for this time of year.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iu77lai wrote
Reply to comment by KrissaKray in Can’t wait to no longer see this man by rkelly2
you definitely get something from other people's kids getting educated.
hate to break it to you, but, we live in a society
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iu0on1g wrote
Reply to comment by NEIC_ADMIN in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
does everyone have to be pedantic
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_itzdie3 wrote
Reply to comment by taez555 in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
yeah more specifically I meant like the entire social structure of Vermont is completely different from.. well, most places.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_itxs52j wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in FYI, Vermont is the safest state in America. by CHECK_FLOKI
I feel like Vermont being safe has very little to do with gun laws (or lack of)
I feel like the gun laws of Vermont work simply because of the people of Vermont.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_irtw39p wrote
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_irsbbhd wrote
>Why had a clean up crew not been called
next time call 911. Be the change you want to see in the world.
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_ir9rhny wrote
Reply to comment by nudgetravel in Sysco truck drivers in New England go on strike by smartest_kobold
ok bud
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iqzt9xk wrote
Reply to comment by LeverTech in On a scale of One to Texas how New Hampshire is this? by scoaaaaar
it was a joke
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iqyflgv wrote
Reply to comment by LeverTech in On a scale of One to Texas how New Hampshire is this? by scoaaaaar
ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iy9xojm wrote
Reply to comment by Qbncgr in Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
No new ones, but they definitely haven't been taking them back.
I've seen MUDAFKR and IEATA55 in the last month.