
EmbarassedGiraffe t1_iw8kcn6 wrote

Again, not unique to Atlas. Our city is poor and crime ridden and I want to see as much investment as possible - especially in the downtown harbor area. We aren’t going to survive without tourist dollars and investment in dining (and real estate, and schools). There are plenty of wealthy privileged folks around that have chosen NOT to spend their earned or inherited millions on Baltimore. I’m happy to have anyone spend money in Baltimore. The negativity around wealth in this town is obnoxious. I’ll take investment in a bunch of differently themed restaurants than investment in casinos and casino restaurants downtown any day. That said, glad we have the casino money too- I’m not gonna hate on the wealthy casino owners (or sports team owners) either. Baltimore needs it. We are not “fine otherwise” - we need to fix a lot in Baltimore and it’s going to take money.


EmbarassedGiraffe t1_iw8f9a3 wrote

Again, not unique to Atlas. Our city is poor and crime ridden and I want to see as much investment as possible - especially in the downtown harbor area. We aren’t going to survive without tourist dollars and investment in dining (and real estate, and schools). There are plenty of wealthy privileged folks around that have chosen NOT to spend their inherited millions on Baltimore. I’m happy to have anyone spend money in Baltimore. The negativity around wealth in this town is obnoxious. I’ll take investment in a bunch of differently themed restaurants than investment in casinos and casino restaurants downtown any day. That said, glad we have the casino money too- I’m not gonna hate on the wealthy casino owners (or sports team owners) either. Baltimore needs it. We are not “fine otherwise” - we need to fix a lot in Baltimore and it’s going to take money.


EmbarassedGiraffe t1_iw60517 wrote

Not everyone that appreciates what Atlas has brought to the relatively shitty Baltimore restaurant scene is a “shill” - we suck next to DC or many other major cities when it come to good food options…. We’d rarely dine downtown if it weren’t for Atlas. Stop hating on folks willing to pour money into our dying and (sadly) dangerous city. Embrace ANYONE willing to invest!
