EmeraldMoose12 t1_iz5688g wrote
Reply to comment by Ergotnometry in Anybody else hoping Market Basket comes to Vermont? by Unique-Public-8594
Market Basket is a regional chain. Pretty sure only MA and NH.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iz3jije wrote
Reply to comment by Definitelynotcal1gul in First-time homebuyer programs? by Infinite100p
Go on….
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iz3hkg1 wrote
Put a Santa hat on ‘em
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iyfei0m wrote
Reply to comment by Upthespurs1882 in Camping at Bennington Triangle by TrueFact_666_b4_777
Don’t wear a red coat.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iy8knnh wrote
Get a few 5 gal gas cans and go get diesel…preferably off road (it’s cheaper).
100 gal is usually the minimum for most companies. Sometimes 75 gal is the minimum. About 8 years ago I came across this ad for a guy with a trailer with a 1000 gal tank and he way less than 100 gallons in my tank. But the second time I called him he was wishy washy about coming out and I haven’t seen an ad for a similar service since. I assume he got in trouble for what he was doing.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_ixd4hxe wrote
Reply to Have prices on used cars actually come down? I'm still seeing insane prices for 15-20 year old vehicles on Craigslist. by [deleted]
They’re starting to
EmeraldMoose12 t1_ix8asnw wrote
This is so eerie. I was walking into work yesterday morning and because of the wind I knew I was short a layer. In that short walk, the wind was pulling the warmth from my body. I started to think about the book I read about Kate Matrosova getting caught above tree-line during a freak weather pattern in February. And then I started to think about how I would definitely not want to be tree line today (yesterday). The walk from my car to work was good enough for me.
I hope her fate is different than Kate’s.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iwv9agk wrote
Reply to comment by IAintSkeeered in What is this garbage? It's neither syrup, nor Vermont.... by twowheels
And it’s just syrup. Not maple syrup.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iufd6rl wrote
Reply to Why is Trick or Treat not on Halloween by every1getslaid
In New London, they really only encourage trick or treating on Main Street. This year, they're doing it tonight. I don't like the whole scheduling trick of treating thing or telling people where they can do it. Trick or treating should happen on Halloween from the edge of dark until people shut off their lights. We haven't had trick or treaters in years, and honestly its kind of sad. I like handing out candy and seeing people's costumes. I don't have kids, so going up to Main Street to try to see people's costumes, etc. is just kind of weird.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iues54o wrote
Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
Actually, by reading your comments in this post it’s apparent you thought about this way too much. As myself and others have pointed out, it doesn’t even look close to what you’re insinuating. You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iuer1s8 wrote
Reply to comment by RevolutionaryHelp940 in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
It’s almost like r/Vermont has turned into r/NewHampshire
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iueqvb1 wrote
Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
Except it really doesn’t look like a clan hood. Quite a stretch. I’m sorry the signs upset you so much you think about them after you see them. It’s also quite apparent you’re threatened by the opposing candidate and you don’t have enough faith in your candidate.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iuefv2k wrote
Reply to Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
This guy is living rent free in a lot of your heads haha
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iudg2gv wrote
Reply to Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
Thank you for making sure we all see this political trash too.
EmeraldMoose12 t1_isqadx2 wrote
Reply to comment by HowardNelsonJr in Wood Furnace and Chimney Inspection by Dave___Hester
I did not have a great experience with Black Moose. I hope your experience is different
EmeraldMoose12 t1_iz56cbf wrote
Reply to comment by suzi-r in Anybody else hoping Market Basket comes to Vermont? by Unique-Public-8594
And in Claremont.