
EndlessErrands0002 OP t1_iy3hqop wrote

>FWIW, my parents had this happen to them with a car they that bought in 1999, paid off in 2004, and kept until 2018.Despite having a title that was clearly marked as having the lien released, the MVC had no record of it being paid off. Made a hash out of what should have been a no-brainer transfer of an essentially worthless vehicle.It might be worth a check with them to insure that all the paperwork processed correctly.

got it. I'll check into it, thank you.


EndlessErrands0002 OP t1_iy1wbhj wrote

>Keep the title safe for when/if you want to sell the car. If you don't have a need for a safe-deposit box, get a fireproof box for your important papers like the title, your passport, etc.You may want to tell your insurer; I'm not sure that they need to know, but it wouldn't hurt.Also, congratulations! That's a big step.

thank you so much