Endurance_Cyclist t1_j6gttqs wrote
Reply to comment by Merker6 in There won't be any snow this winter and I'm really mad about that. by bingol_boii
Statistically, January 30 to Feburary 1 is peak snowfall season in D.C.
Endurance_Cyclist t1_j6ftftt wrote
Reply to Cheapest way to get a US phone number in DC? I only need the number, no data, no nothing by [deleted]
You might want to check out T-Mobile 'Ultra Mobile PayGo' pre-paid. They have a plan that's only $3/month.
Endurance_Cyclist t1_j6gu03u wrote
Reply to comment by blues_and_ribs in There won't be any snow this winter and I'm really mad about that. by bingol_boii
>If we hit, say, the middle of March with no snow, that’s when it’s time to worry.
Average temperatures this month are running more than 7 degrees above normal. It's time to worry.