Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtxsuk wrote
Reply to comment by avivagirl in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
I am now having a very personal moment with this song. LOL
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtxago wrote
Reply to comment by avivagirl in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
This is nice. :)
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtw9vn wrote
Reply to comment by Gozis in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
Thanks for your reply. I personally think the album mind fucked me when I started listening to it after the rec. I had listened to and loved it a lot before but when the first track comes on and he just starts speaking to you I took it on a road that lead me to believing it to be about revolution. It assumed you already understood everything they were going to say was given fact. Listened to it again recently and it sounds like that still but then blurs towards the end into it being about addiction and that (possibly) being the end of their band mate. (still havent looked too seriously for that info but thats what knees sounds like it talks about)
This also could also mean that they too hear the message of revolution in music these days but often see people around them high on weed or drunk not really getting the message and killing themselves instead of actually gathering and doing anything. idk, just thought of that but maybe that idea could pan out idk. lol anyways if you read this thanks for partaking in my theories.
the instrumentation alone on this album being as cold and calculated as it is might just be enough to mind fuck some people. i know superman that was really hard for me to get into at first because of its angular and disjointed arrangement
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtr7tt wrote
Reply to comment by TheBlondegedu in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
Maybe I can get into this all. lol idk thanks for the recs
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtqx4l wrote
Reply to comment by Gozis in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
I've listened to BtTIGtP before as a result of the same question by another person. I have my understanding of why I consider it this way but the album is very complex and has layers beyond mindfuck etc. solely. Why do you consider it such?
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtqk4t wrote
Reply to comment by TheBlondegedu in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
I personally find it hard to get this experience sober through instrumental music. Thanks for your input though.
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtqi4i wrote
Reply to comment by tauntaunrex in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
This is good, thanks.
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixtpxmp wrote
Reply to comment by aligador in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
Happy cake day! Already done that many a time. Don't want to do that anymore bc leads to bad things for me. Thanks though.
Yes that is where I got the idea from tho. Lol
Equivalent_Mix_3829 OP t1_ixvzqts wrote
Reply to comment by empire_de109 in Mindfuck music by Equivalent_Mix_3829
Listened to all 4, holy fuck it's so good. Sun is what I'm listening to now. This is great.