
Equoniz t1_jeagkzp wrote

I think this article is just acknowledging people like me. I don’t care about most of those bullet points for many works of art, but knowing how something is made or done is of value to me. So even if I don’t care about the finished artwork itself (like instances where those bullet points don’t apply to me), I can still find interest in something about it.


Equoniz t1_jbzm072 wrote

You have answered if an atom can have some neutrons and anti-neutrons at the same time, but that wasn’t really the meat of the question was it? You haven’t answered if an atoms could have all of its neutrons be anti-neutrons. Obviously getting there one at a time isn’t an option, but could it get there in any way? And even if it couldn’t actually get there, could it be a stable solution to our equations that describe the system?


Equoniz t1_j69gmy2 wrote

I’ve seen a (presumably not faked, but 🤷‍♂️) natural gemstone posted somewhere on here that was a different type on either side of the stone. I forget what they actually were (I think they were purple and orange though, so maybe amethyst and…something orange?), but is there a natural process for producing this sort of thing? I’m assuming it would be very dependent on the exact stones, and wouldn’t just work with any combo, if it’s possible at all. Maybe it was the same type of crystal with different impurities?